Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mixed Messages


Hebrews 4:2 2 For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith.

I love sourdough pancakes – I’m not fond of the batter as far as taste goes, but the cooked pancakes? Bring ‘em on! The best sourdough pancakes are the ones that are properly mixed and fermented. Hebrews 4.2 makes me think of properly mixed messages – those truths mixed with faith. You could have mixed messages that are mixed with half-truths; I don’t like those; especially when I’ve been duped into believing them to be true. And then there are those messages that are mixed with half-lies; embellished a bit to make them less palpable.

The writer of Hebrews said that we have had the gospel preached to us but they (the ancient people of God) didn’t combine (or mix) the message with faith. They just heard what they wanted to hear and subsequently the message lacked value for them. The key ingredient when hearing from God is faith – faith that God really said it, means it and we can accept it as true. Many today lack the faith to mix the message properly and like improperly mixed sourdough dough, it tastes bad and cooks up poorly.

The point is, I think, that we must come to God in faith and believe Him that what He says is not only true but trustworthy. It takes faith to believe. And faith is what pleases God. What do you need God for today? I know many who desperately need God for healing. I know many who need Him for provision. I know many who are desperately seeking Him for direction and counsel – really needing Him to show the way. All it takes is faith; all it takes is the belief that what God says is true and that He never reneges on His promises.

A mixed message is not necessarily bad – our understanding may be but the message isn’t necessarily so. The mixing (or combining part) is how we accept it, and what we do with it; and whether or not there is faith involved. A message of true value is the unaltered and unadulterated truth mixed with honest faith: God I believe You… that’s where I want to be.

Father in Heaven,
You give me everything I need – I sometimes just don’t accept it with faith that You’ve really done it, You really mean it, and it is really for my best. Help me to mix Your word with faith so that it takes on new meaning and real value in the life I’m living where mixed messages are a dime a dozen. I trust You Lord! Amen.

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