Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Invitation and the Reminder


Matthew 11:28 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. NIV

It’s over. It’s no more – the striving, the jockeying for position; the keeping up with the Joneses – it’s over. When Jesus said, “I will give you rest” He meant He will give us true rest and true peace and freedom from all we value as important; He only, is what is important.

What wearies and burdens us? Whatever it is, it is, in Christ, the Resurrected Lord, no more. Many of us see the inequities in life and can’t understand why – it’s over. Many of us see the injustice and the unfairness of life – it’s over. In Jesus Christ it’s over. That doesn't mean it’s gone, it means that the pain of it, the frustration of it, or the reality of it, loses its impact; the lion has lost his teeth and his claws. And I am freed, in Him, to quit worrying and fretting about it.

Freedom in Christ and rest from the friction of life is an indescribable gift. If Jesus was still in the grave then I’d still be enslaved to all that the world values. But today, the tomb is empty, and the power of all that burdens me is gone. Hallelujah!!!

Today, the invitation and the reminder is this: Come to Me (says Jesus), all you who are wearied and burdened, and I will give you rest…from all of the unimportant stuff that falsely claims a right and an authority over you. In Me, it (whatever it is that bothers you) is no more!

Lord Jesus,
How wonderful and refreshing You are and how kind and merciful You are to offer Yourself as rest for the weary. Today Lord, like a bucket of cold water thrown onto my soul, I thank You for the reminder that You Only are my Rest; and that in You, whatever tries to lay claim to me, is nothing but a sorry, mangy, toothless, and clawless kitty, trying to masquerade as a roaring lion. You are my Rest! Amen!

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