Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Heaven Open


Acts 7. 56 “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” – St. Stephen

Last week, I drove to a town about 150 miles away to meet with clients. One client is particularly fairly unpredictable, so it was no surprise to me that when I showed up at his place of business, it appeared to be closed.

Now, I know this guy, and I just decided to wait. I called the office to leave a message and to my surprise, someone answered the phone. I asked if my client was there and was told, no, but he’d be there soon. I was glad that at least, he was on his way. His office, dark tinted windows and all, was open.

I’m glad Heaven is open as well. I’m glad that during the worst times in my life, I have never found a “We’re Closed” sign hanging out front. For those who come to God, must believe that He is God; and that He is always open for the business of salvation, redemption, and restoration for those who show up looking for Him. No locked doors. No busy phone lines.

St. Stephen was not your ordinary guy and he was making his case to the Sanhedrin for the Messiah-ship of Christ Jesus. As he leveled his charges against them that they were hard-hearted, and cynical; their only response was furious anger and hatred. All they knew to do was to destroy Stephen. But he stood there, with eyes of faith and proclaimed: “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Not only was Heaven open, but the Boss was in.

We must go through our days with the mindset that heaven is open. We cannot afford at any moment to think otherwise. God, and our access to Him, is always there. We’re ever only a prayer away; and the full and total resources of Heaven, and all that includes, are at our disposal. The only thing required of us is faith – a settled belief that the open sign is on, the light is on, and the Owner is in.

Stephen, we might think, was facing a terrible moment. His detractors were picking up stones to throw at him with vicious force; they were going to kill him. But Stephen saw the sign, the light, and the Owner. Stephen knew no power on earth could keep him from the power of Heaven, and the One who stands waiting for His children to come home. I don’t think Stephen, given the moment, could have been happier.

His story is our story.

Friends let us live this day knowing Heaven is Open. Let us live this day in faith that our God is involved and active is every part of our lives and living. Let us behave accordingly, pray accordingly, and like Stephen, proclaim accordingly: “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

Father, You are always Home, always on, and always with me. Heaven is open, may I live accordingly. Amen

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