Tuesday, January 24, 2017

As You Wish


Exodus 10.29 29 “Just as you say,” Moses replied. “I will never appear before you again.

We can’t hear the tone on Moses’s voice. We can’t see the expression on his face. But something in me heard him say, “As you wish.” Like the grandfather in The Princess Bride to his grandson as he finished reading the story, and was invited back the next day to read again. I think Moses’ tone was a bit hushed, or even under his breath as he turned his back to walk from Pharaoh’s presence. As you wish…

It isn’t about me; it isn’t about us. There are things in this world that taunt and torment mentally, physically, or emotionally; screaming at us as if they hold the upper hand. In the life of the child of God that is never the case but those things don’t know that, and can’t conceive of the place God’s child has in this life. God has the upper hand. And we're not to give in.

It’s not as if God wants to flex and demand feasance; sometimes He just gives us what we want. My friend Roger says God answers prayer four ways: Yes, No, Wait, and, If you insist. Pharaoh insisted and God gave him what he demanded. All Moses could say was: Just as you say, I will never appear before you again. No anger. No defiance. Not even an exclamation point.

Moses knew Pharaoh had crossed a line. Moses knew, there was no turning back. Moses knew God was going to give this petty king all that he had demanded and more. It had become personal to Pharaoh.

And, God does desire it become personal. God desires a personal relationship with every human on the planet. God however, sometimes to our dismay, doesn’t act as we would have Him act; sometimes I think He nods His head somberly and responds: As you wish. It is at that moment when we should become quite concerned – saint and sinner alike.

God works with those who wish to be worked with. He has never turned down a person who humbly approaches and asks for His help. His invitation always is we come to Him and lay our burdens down – even the ones we chose to hold onto.

The lesson for me today is not to push God (or even attempt to). The lesson for me today is to run in humility before Him and do as I am supposed to do: bow before Him and lay my burdens down. And let God be God. I know I’ve done a lousy job of trying to be god myself. The last thing I want to hear Him say is: Okay son, have it your way. When we bow to the gods of our own making we shouldn’t be surprised if we get what we want...

Father in Heaven, today I consider the times when I have pushed my agenda. The maddening part of the gift of free will is, free. With freedom comes responsibility and with responsibility comes accountability. And accountability reveals my true heart; where I really am. Help me today Lord. May I walk humbly in Your way, listening carefully to Your heart – doing eagerly as You say. Amen

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