Wednesday, July 27, 2016



2 Peter 1.16 For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. – St. Peter

You know, the story of salvation has been much maligned; it’s man’s stubborn refusal to accept the truth. Peter said, Lookit, we saw it; we were right there when it happened! We couldn’t make this stuff up! But to this day, the Bible and Its Gospel are rejected as myths, legends, or cleverly devised stories.

When I was much younger I read through the Hobbit and the, Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Those were cleverly devised stories – I enjoyed them. So, even if the Bible is a cleverly devised bunch of stories written by 40 different authors, over a span of 1500 years, at least it ought to be entertaining – right? C’mon, can’t we give it that much credit? No?

Well then, that leads us to this: if the Bible is a bunch of cleverly devised stories and it isn’t entertaining, they why do so many people still read it? Oh, I see, so you’re saying they’re all dupes and weaklings trying to find some sort of pathetic reason or crutch to make it through this life because they cannot cope without it – right?

And if the Bible is a collection of clever stories, then why did Peter say he was an eyewitness to Jesus’ life? Was Peter simply lying? I mean, surely, if Peter said he was there and he wasn’t, then wasn’t he lying? Because a witness at a trial who claims to have seen what happened is either an inconvenient truth to the accused, or a well-received relief to the accused. We take the word of witnesses to bear out the prosecutions or defenses made at the trial – right?

And Peter went to his death proclaiming what he knew to be true. Who does that!? If it wasn’t true, then was he so deluded that he gave his life for a lie? That’s kookie-talk! And people have been dying for their faith in the Book for centuries – are they such miserably affected mentals who can’t make right from wrong? They have to be tragically deceived – right?

Or is it the other way around? Is the Bible true and mankind is the problem? Is it not man, who has by the Bible’s own account, rejected God? Even before we had all this sexy science telling us about everything in the world and the universe beyond? Was it not man who threw off the ruler-ship of God and declared he was going to make his own way? Isn’t that our reality today? Right?

The problem is with the heart. A bad heart is one that rejects truth, and makes claims of cleverly devised stories. A bad heart makes God out to be some dopey myth. A bad heart is one that rejects the majesty of nature and the glories of creation. A bad heart judges the Church for the charade he deems it to be; despite the good she does in this miserable and fallen world.

Father, the mystery of faith is an affront to man’s intellect. Father, may I be a doer of good and a follower of the faith no matter the reception of men and their excuses of why You cannot be true. I pray for Your people and I pray for Your Church, the glorious witnesses of Your love and presence in the lives of the humble and faithful on this earth. Amen.

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