Friday, July 1, 2016

Trust Quotient


Isaiah 2.22 Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem? – Isaiah, the Prophet

It seems they did the same thing in their day that we do in ours: placed a lot of trust in leaders, hoping (wishfully) that they’d make life better, more prosperous, and successful. We look to humans to do only what God can do. And we look to God to do what we think is important; not as He deems important. It’s no wonder we’re so mixed up…

So, Isaiah the ancient spiritual spokesman said: Stop trusting in humans. He said, all thy really have is breath in their lungs – same as you. Trust is sacred. To trust someone or something, is a big, big deal. By trusting, we mentally ascent to the notion that our trustors have our best interest in mind, and will provide as they say, or do as they say, or be steadfastly reliable in some way or other. The problem with trusting humans is they are untrustworthy. Not everyone, not all the time; but the track record speaks.

God calls every human into relationship with Himself. The highest calling of God to any man, anywhere, at any time is simply this: Come, be My friend. Even the old prophet said, quoting God: “Come now, let us settle the matter. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land...” (Is. 1.18-19) A promise, is a promise, is a promise.

But we’d rather trust the humans we can see, rather than the God we cannot. And the humans we can see are as messed up as we are. The blind leading the blind. The destitute offering wealth to the destitute. The inmates in charge of the asylum. The only power we truly have is the air we breathe and even that is given to us from above and only for so many days. (To make matters worse, it’s an election year – will we ever learn?)

It is okay to carefully trust someone, but not to trust in someone. The only one in Whom we may trust is the One who beckon: Come, be My friend and I will take care of you. God may not do what we ask, but God cares for us, and takes care of us, if we will let Him – if we trust in Him.

Today, my trust quotient is renewed in the God I cannot see, because the men I can, have let me down, again. I, too, have probably let someone else down. It’s the human way. It is not an accident that our US currency is embossed with the words: In God We Trust; because like the famous movie says: everyone else pays cash. Maybe my present needs are causing me to trust God more.

Today, I need God, my Friend. I can’t ask of men what I can only ask of God – it’s foolish and futile to do so. Today, I need God. I’d rather go through what I facing with Him, than without. I love you, but you cannot meet my needs. No offense, but I can’t meet yours either. The best I can do is encourage you, pray for you, and keep cheering you on in your life’s journey, and your quest of God (however that is).

Father, Your old prophet spoke powerfully to me today. There is really no one else but You. With that in mind, let me be a resource to others to point them toward You, and Your offer of friendship with them. Help me to guard my trust and invest it wisely, but especially in the foolproof way: with You. Amen

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