Monday, March 13, 2017



Galatians 4.7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. – St. Paul

An heir is someone to whom an inheritance belongs. On earth, the heir gets what the parent or benefactor leaves them when the parent or benefactor passes away. In the eternal Kingdom, no one passes away, and God gives to His children all that He has, for all of eternity.

It’s the, all He has for all of eternity, that gets my attention. It’s not God’s blessing I need; it’s God Himself. I don’t need stuff, I need Him.

All of my life to this point has been an accumulation of stuff. But stuff has not come close to giving me what I need or what I truly want – and that is peace, and acceptance. God makes the offer for peace and acceptance. God makes the promise for peace and acceptance. In God, there is no shortage or lack of peace and acceptance.

And in God, there is no proving how good I am – only the realization of how needy I am. And I am needy for all He has. By accepting Him, I am accepted by Him, and called an heir to all He has for me.

On earth, there is transaction: we give to get. In Heaven, there is transaction as well, but He gives so I get. Therein lies the difference: as an heir of God, He gave me His Son so that by accepting Him, I get all that God has for me. The currency is Christ. The position is mine, in Him.

Today, my job is acceptance. Today, my reality is acceptance of the company of the King, who has called me His heir. The vastness of His acceptance is mine because I traded my life for His, and accepted His Kingdom in place of this earth.

Father, what does it benefit a person who gains the whole earth but misses You? What good is it to live life all on my own but miss out on the inheritance of Heaven: the inheritance of the acceptance that I am Your heir for all eternity and beyond? May I think and live differently today, in You. Amen

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