Sunday, May 31, 2015

Security Blankets and Graduation Ceremonies


Psalm 119.136 My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law.

Today, is the last day of May and I am glad. Not that May is over, but that June starts very soon. I’ve had to rethink some things and tomorrow is the day for a shift in procedure, protocol, and preference. Which brings me to security blankets.

I think I had a security blanket when I was a toddler. I know my siblings had them because I saw them and how they acted with them. I never saw myself though my siblings may testify that in-fact, yours truly had his blankey. My children had their versions of blankeys, favorite stuffed animals or, with one in particular, binkie’s. It’s all a part of growing up. My grandson has Silky, a little blanket that someone gave him, and he has Bear-Bear, his take a nap and go to bed toy.

There is a time and a place for these things in our lives and in the lives of our littles. There is also a time to put them away. (Although – really – what a world this would be if we all grabbed our blankies for a nap every day.) So, today I am putting away a security blanket: my daily reading of the Psalms and Proverbs.  For the last five months reading Psalms and Proverbs exclusively is the only way I’ve been able to make my way through each day. They don’t call them Wisdom Literature for nothing. Which brings me to graduation ceremonies.

I attended a high-school graduation ceremony for five young men who’ve been home-schooled all of their lives. Yes there were lots of tears. Yes there were lots of hugs. And yes, there were lots of, I Love You’s, and, I’m Proud of You’s. There was thanksgiving for mom, dad and siblings. And yes, there were diplomas. But there was one common and major focus throughout the 2-hour event: that of the presence and power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Home-schooling is a different creature and those who do it have a different bent than those who don’t. Not every family who home-schools believes in Jesus; but they all believe in teaching their kids at home and seeking above all to see to it that their children get a high-quality and robust education. The goal isn’t a paycheck – it’s a legacy.

So, the ceremony for all of its lack of pomp and circumstance, was full of family, fun, faith, and future. And five young men were launched from childhood to manhood. I was impressed, blessed, and proud to see the way these families have operated in the lives of these young men for the last 18 years.

One of the fathers closed the ceremony with a reading of chosen passages of Scripture for his son. I found myself with my eyes closed and my hand raised in honor of the language of the Kingdom and of the saved. And I realized in those moments of hearing a proud poppa read God’s word to his son, that I needed to put away my security blanket of only one portion of the Bible, and return to my yearly trek through the entirety of God’s word in hope that I, a sixty year-old, can continue to make a contribution in this world by allowing all of the word – the good, the bad, and the ugly – to lead me, guide me, teach me, and rebuke me as I live the rest of my days for the honor and glory of the One who has called me into fellowship with Himself. Yes, I look forward to tomorrow.

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