Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Outward or Perceptible


1 Corinthians 12.7 7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. (ESV)

I’m not sure I know what your spiritual gift is; that really doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you and I conduct ourselves with the understanding that to each (one of us) is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. When we gather for church, as we connect in small group; as we serve our brothers and sisters, it is to be with the understanding that in each of us is a manifestation (an outward or perceptible indication) of the presence of the Holy Spirit for the common good. That is serious business.

Life together in the Church is to be about the Lord Jesus as He shares His life with us, through each other. We don’t go to church to get educated, although that is a part of it. We don’t gather as a church to get fixed, although that is a part of it. We get together to use the gifts and calling we each have to build the church up together for its common good. My presence in Church isn’t about me, it’s about you, and building up the church together with you. It’s serious business.

Life together as a Church is life together as God’s holy people and our love for each other and our use of our God-given gifts together so that everyone benefits.

When you go to church, do you feel that way?

Church is serious business. Not frowny or stern, but serious. It’s serious in a very important way: the common good of all who come. We don’t go to movies for the common good. We don’t go to football games for the common good. But often there is more camaraderie at movies and sporting events than church because we think church is all about focusing on our weaknesses rather than our strengths. Church isn’t about entertainment (at least it isn’t supposed to be) it’s about the common good – yours, mine, and everyone else’s. It’s serious business.

If church is anything other than the common good with all of us exercising our God-given gifts then we’ve missed the point of why we come together in the first place. Church is about a much bigger point than us-against-them; than me and my petty little issues. Church is about my fellowship with the Spirit of God and how that affects you when we come together – and how I affected by you when we gather as God’s children. That’s why they call it affection.

I feel like I’ve just been doused with a bucket of ice-cold water. I am fully awake and fully convicted that I’ve allowed my attitude toward church to be something less serious than the common good. It is time to take church seriously and to allow the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to shine through me as I gather with my church-family for the common good.

Papa, You love Your kids and have called us all to see each other in the light of true care, loving concern, and visible affection. May the gifts You’ve given me shine through and reveal an outward or perceptible indication of Your presence in me for the common good of those I recognize and care for as my family of believers – amen.

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