Sunday, November 10, 2013

Help for the Journey


1 Corinthians 7.8-9 8 To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. 9 But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. (ESV)

I think most people have a burning question: Okay, in the light of that, now what do I do!? Life isn’t easy and sometimes big issues make us seek for answers but not all answers are that easy. Sometimes the answers to our burning questions are as complicated as the conundrum in which we find ourselves.

The Corinthians had written to Paul to find some answers to things that were, in their minds, everyday issues but not maybe specifically addressed by Paul or other preachers in those days. In 1 Corinthians 7 they were concerned with marriage and what might be considered the right thing to do about marriage, do it, or remain single.

In his writings, Paul hints that sexual immorality might’ve been a big deal in Corinth, and history echoes that to be the case. To be called a Corinthian in those days was something less than flattering because of the absolute debauchery of the then Corinthian culture – socially, Corinth was pretty messed up...

So, to plant a church in such a culture might’ve made the locals ask some questions about how to live the believer’s life in the midst of such depravity and debauchery. And the Corinthian believers did just that: Paul, how do we handle…??? The issue for me isn’t what they asked about; the issue is about being open and approachable to those in our congregations who have burning issues over the things of life and how to handle them in the light of truth and the Gospel.

The other day a younger man texted me on Facebook and asked me about prayer in a group of people – what do you say; how do you say it??? Obviously he’d been thinking about it and wanted to know: how do I handle myself in a group of people and I’m asked to pray about something? I invited him out to coffee and we talked about it and I told him how I handle myself in similar situations. I think he appreciated what I said. We talked peer to peer.

There are those issues that just cannot be handled whilst sitting in church listening to the pastor preach: Yeah, I hear you pastor, but how about…??? We need to have avenues for conversation about spiritual life and how it intersects with everyday stuff.

The calling for me in such instances is to be observant, open, approachable, and honest – the questioner needs to know, and may be uncomfortable in how to ask, or if to ask. They need to get their questions answered.

Papa, help me to serve my fellow man by being observant, open, approachable, and honest as they deal with the questions they have about life and You. Help me to know that the way I respond to them may make the difference in how they think about You and how they feel about church. May I serve them with graciousness, humor, and the wisdom I’ve gleaned over the years; but more than any of that, may I help them along their journey – Amen. 

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