Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bouncing into Grace Land


Daniel 4.2 2 “It has seemed good to me to show the signs and wonders that the Most High God has done for me.” –Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (ESV)

I think the prophet Daniel (who, by the way, was a government bureaucrat in service to the great king, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon) and old Neb were friends. I think they understood each other and knew where the boundaries were; but I think they were friends. Nebuchadnezzar needed someone (of sanity) to talk to and Daniel (and God) showed up to let him vent.

I think Nebuchadnezzar often wondered about Daniel’s God and why Daniel seemed so devoted to Him. I think he tried to reconcile why such a great and wonderful God would allow His people to be overrun and conquered by a nation such as Babylonia. I think the king and his minister often talked about that. I think the minister often put down his quill and hurried to the king’s chambers having been summoned for something that was in reality just another guise for another chat.

Nebuchadnezzar learned the hard way – like most of us do. Yes, he was a great king with great influence and great power, but, like all of us, he needed a Great God, and so down the road of hard-knocks he went…just like the rest of us. What we go through in life is never as important as what we learn from what we go through…
There is a girl in New York City
Who calls herself the human trampoline
And sometimes when I’m falling, flying
Or tumbling in turmoil I say
Whoa, so this is what she means
She means we’re bouncing into Graceland*

*© 1986 Words and Music by Paul Simon

Nebuchadnezzar bounced into Grace land. And then he felt compelled to tell us all about it. And Daniel thought it was a good idea to write it down and share it with us. (Kinda like Facebook only better).

Yesterday, someone posted on Facebook: “We don't need your proof. We need your story, and what it means to us.” (Seth Godin) What I needed today was Nebuchadnezzar’s story. We all need it because we’re all bouncing into Grace Land (so to speak). The road of hard knocks is definitely bumpy. But Neb’s story helps; and my story helps, and yours does too. Are we telling the story of “…the signs and wonders that the Most High God has done for me.”? If we’re not, what is holding us back?

Father, You have done great and wonderful things to me and for me. I have bounced down this road for many years and I believe I’ve got a few more bumps to go. Help me to share with others what You’ve done; and what You continue to do, in me, through me, and for me. (I know it isn’t about me, but what You do in me as I bounce into Grace Land.) Help me to sing happy songs and share delightful tales of Your daring-do, and in some small way may it help someone else to learn to love You and share what You’ve done for them…through Jesus, Amen.

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