Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Hippie Name


1 Samuel 18.26-27 26 And when his servants told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king's son-in-law. Before the time had expired, 27 David arose and went, along with his men, and killed two hundred of the Philistines. And David brought their foreskins, which were given in full number to the king, that he might become the king's son-in-law. And Saul gave him his daughter Michal for a wife. (ESV)

Some time back I was talking with my sister and we were joking around as we are wont to do and she asked me if I knew my “hippie” name. She said our sister-in-law had her name and it was Willow, or Spring Rain, or something like that. I laughed because whatever it was she picked out fit her perfectly. I decided I would come up with a hippie name.

For years I struggled with just exactly what hippie name would personify yours truly and it finally came to me recently: BC. My hippie-name is BC (which stands for Border Collie). Border Collies are smart dogs and they are really good at herding cattle. Also, because they are so smart, they have a tendency to get themselves into trouble because they get bored; nothing worse than a bored Border Collie. The best way to treat a Border Collie is to give it something to do – put him to work. My hippie name is BC: Border Collie.

Saul certainly wasn't the dumbest king in Israel’s history, but he was dumb because he tried continually to outwit God. That’s dumb. More appropriately: that’s stupid. Saul’s biggest enemy was himself. And Saul, because of his own stupidity, lost the kingship in Israel and watched as it was given to his perceived enemy: David. Saul hated David and was scared spitless of him.

But David wasn't your everyday Joe, he was a Border Collie. David was smart, skilled, and more than anything: he had a servant’s heart. So when Saul offered for David to become his son-in-law, rather than leap at the chance to be on the inside, David went against convention and humbly declined. Sorry, my lord, I am not worthy to be your son-in-law; but thanks for the offer.

So Saul does the wrong thing: he gives David a way to earn his way into the family: a hundred Philistine foreskins. And David, ever the eager, over-achieving, Border Collie brings two hundred Philistine foreskins. Just give me something to do.

Many in the Family of God are Border Collies: smart, skilled, and have servant’s hearts. Many, because they don’t have something to do, get themselves in trouble: at home, at work, and at play. They’re bored. They’re bored with Church, bored with God, and bored with the Christian life: it isn't exciting; it doesn't get their motor going. David needed something to do. I need something to do. And you do too.

Saul did the worst thing he could do in combating David: he gave David something to do that was perfect for David: success. That’s why the right use of our gifts is so vital in the Body of Christ. But whatever we find ourselves doing let’s remember that we are smart, skilled, and have been given (by God) servant’s hearts. God needs Border Collies to guide His sheep right where He needs them to be… even with an old (hippie) Border Collies like me.

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