Friday, April 15, 2016

Paying Attention


Matthew 2. 5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written… - the Magi

Well, at least someone was paying attention. The Magi were sort of the astro-scientists of their day. They looked to the heavens to see if they could figure things out and they paid attention to what the ancient Jewish prophets had written in their sacred scrolls. The Magi were well read and knew enough to know that somehow, God was in charge of things; and that a Child would be born of a virgin, and He would be the great Ruler sought by the whole world. Someone had been doing their homework.

The Magi were from the east – probably Babylon. They were learned men who knew enough to know that the Star in the East was something special and was pointing to some great event. They came a-looking. The Jews of the day were so caught up in politics with the Romans that they weren’t even aware; their own ‘magi’ were asleep at the wheel.

Up to this point, for four hundred years, there had been silence from God; and now, if you’ll pardon the analogy, the opposing team showed up with a copy of the home team’s game-plan. Talk about embarrassing. To make matters worse, the current king – Herod – wasn’t even a Jew; he was an Idumean, the Roman name for an Edomite.

But someone was paying attention to what God was doing and what He was up to. The Magi came to honor a King. And when they showed up they weren’t fooled by Herod’s hypocrisy; they beat feet to Bethlehem, paid homage to the King in a manger, and left for home.

I suppose, when I read all this, I wonder: do I know the game-plan. I wonder how well I know it. The greatest event in human history was occurring and the people of God then (for the most part) were clueless.

I get caught up in all the things I’ve involved myself and wonder if in these current historic days, if I am fully awake or just simply concerned with my own deal, and otherwise asleep at the wheel. God is moving in our turbulent and confusing days in a way that only the alert can ascertain. We think it’s just a presidential election but it is so much more. It’s the judging of our nation – and – it’s the judging of the Church. The Magi sought to understand; do I? The Magi gave themselves to try to figure out what God was up to; do I? Will we wake up and pay attention?

Jesus, You said, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” I think I’m to respond like the Magi; men who didn’t even know You but were smart enough to know the times. These are the days of a great move of God and I don’t want to miss it by having my head buried in the sand of my own issues. Lord, help me to watch, wait, and pray. Amen.

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