Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I Accept You


2 Samuel 1.25-26 25 “How the mighty have fallen in battle! Jonathan lies slain on your heights. 26 I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women. – David

It takes a big man to say what David said, and to sing what David sang: Your love for me was wonderful… David and Jonathan were friends in a deep and special way. They accepted one another and saw in each other, God and greatness.

Now, my Pastor always tells me he loves me. I accept that. My brothers tell me they love me – I accept that. But I have never heard someone say: Paul, your love for me is wonderful; more wonderful than that of women. That’s not acceptable in our day – I think. It’s not that it isn’t right; it’s just not what we say.

The love of women is wonderful. The love of women is the gift of: I accept you. In other words: I accept you for in all the smelliness and crudeness that is man. I accept your awkwardness in intimacy, I accept your childish emotions. I accept your hairy face and body. I accept you. Every man wants that.

Acceptance is the freedom to be loved, and to love, just the way I am. Acceptance paves the way for self-improvement. Acceptance awakens that sleeping hope of promise, and mutual fulfillment. Acceptance oils the gears between the sexes. So, for a man to accept another man on the level of David and Jonathan – it’s huge!!

Jonathan was royalty and the heir to the throne. But he knew David was the Lord’s anointed. He knew God had special plans for David and for Israel. Jonathan accepted his place in God’s plan. And Jonathan accepted God’s plan for David.

Like everything in this world, all can be twisted, maligned, and ridiculed. But acceptance on the level of these two servants of God, Jonathan and David, from different backgrounds and callings, was truly remarkable. I’m not sure if it has ever been repeated since those days.

And remarkably, a true man, a big man sang glorious praise over God’s king and his son. David didn’t spike the football. David didn’t gloat over the loss of Saul – he sang and wept and did what real men ought to do: he mourned the loss of the great.

It’s good to consider such words about such men, and hold out hope that we men of today can get to that place where we can truly say: “…you are very dear to me. Your love for me is wonderful, more wonderful than that of women.”

Father, I have learned today that relationship, in Christ, ought to be just like relationship with Christ: undying affection and acceptance. Break down the resistance in me with my brothers to accept them for who they are and for what You’ve called them to do. May we love each other as You love us – in Christ. Amen

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