Sunday, April 17, 2016

Getting My Attention


1 Samuel 19.24 He stripped off his garments, and he too prophesied in Samuel’s presence. He lay naked all that day and all that night. This is why people say, “Is Saul also among the prophets?” – A Saying

Recently, a friend of mine posted an excellent article (on Facebook) about Biblical questions and why they are so important for us to ponder. Questions like: Am I my brother’s keeper? What is Truth? The idea behind the article was not so much having the answers, but answering the questions.

The Bible asks profound questions, and a sign of the Scripture’s power, is when we heed those questions. Not every question will resonate with us, but some ought, because they are divinely inspired to cause us to seek the answer. What does this mean to me, and why is it asking?

The story of King Saul begs a lot of questions: why did God promote a Benjamite to the throne when the kings were to be called from Judah? Why was Saul first advanced, then later rejected? Why is Saul among the prophets? What is he doing now?

The Bible asks us questions now so that we can thoughtfully grapple with them now, before they are demanded of us later. The questions are there, and always have been; but are we listening? Is Saul among the prophets? If we ignore God’s questions now, how will we, when He asks, answer them later?

As a king, Saul’s track record was horrible. He was weak, jealous, and small-minded. Everything we wouldn’t want in a leader, Saul was. But Saul wasn’t really in charge and I think he knew it. Saul’s faith was weak. But he had power to great harm when he felt like it. And God attempted to remind him Who was really in control. Is Saul, our king, among the prophets? And: Why, is he laying naked, prophesying, at Naioth in Ramah? I thought he was on his way to kill David and Samuel! I’m confused!!

God isn’t/wasn’t confused. God was giving king Saul one more opportunity to repent. It isn’t about power, but presence. It isn’t about control, but cooperation. Why are things happening in my life that I seem so inadequate to face? Is it because, perhaps, like Saul, I’m trying to ignore God Who’s trying to get my attention? Will I stubbornly continue to do the Saul: depending on myself, and doing whatever seems right to me? Or will others ask: What’s gotten into him!?

Father God, am I among the prophets, and are people asking: why – why is he doing what is so unexpected of him? They know the regular me. They know and expect me to do as I always do. Are they asking: Why is he acting so strangely!? Father, may I cooperate with You, and yield the things of my life to You. May I hear Your voice, and seek Your face. And may the answer to the questions be: Because I, Paul’s God, have gotten his attention. Amen

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