Thursday, December 3, 2015

She Gets It


16.1-2 1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae, 2 that you may welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints, and help her in whatever she may need from you, for she has been a patron of many and of myself as well. – St. Paul

I remember a Sunday morning back in 2008 when a world-famous politician stood on the steps of Baker County Courthouse and addressed a crowd of the committed, and the curious (I was in the latter), about his spouse who was running for president at that time. I was pastoring a small church then and our building was right across the street from said courthouse.

As I recall, I had been contacted by the spouse’s election team, the Secret Service, and the local PD about the event and they were very concerned that their event wouldn’t be a distraction, or inconvenience to my congregation given all of the hype (local mostly) about this world-famous politician being there. I assured them we’d be fine.

As our worship service ended, the public gathering began, and curious-me, wanted to see the celebrity; I became a part of the crowd of onlookers because it just ain’t every day that a world-famous (have I mentioned that fact already?) politician comes to Baker City, Oregon. (I wish time and space would allow me to share about my encounter with the not-as-famous former Governor of Idaho…another time perhaps.)

So, in his stumping-speech, this world-famous politician said of his spouse that we hicks-on-the-bricks ought to vote for his wife because, and I quote: She gets it. I thought about that this morning as I read Paul’s commendation of Phoebe of Cenchreae. I think Paul was saying to his Roman readers: Phoeb’s gets it. Welcome her. Honor her. Help her. That’s a big, big statement.

Paul’s description of Phoebe is noteworthy because he calls her a servant and a patron. Phoebe served her church well and gave herself to the spreading of the gospel. I don’t know where you stand on the whole women-in-ministry argument, but it is also noteworthy that Paul commends a woman whom he said, deserved to be treated in a way worthy of the saints. And Paul commended her as a patron – that is a person who is not only committed with heart, but purse as well. And, SHE WAS A WOMAN!!!

God doesn’t see gender; He sees heart. God rejected Barak because he would only serve with stipulations, even though he was called to serve obediently – no strings attached. (See Judges 4) A woman delivered Israel, and another woman killed the enemy, Sisera. Hmmm, where were the guys?

The Kingdom of God is genderless. The Kingdom of God sizes up people by their heart for the King, not whether they wear pants or panty-hose (OMG, am I dating myself!). Phoebe was commended because of her heart. What causes you and me to be commended? To whom are we commendable? Is the end of my life the result of the furtherance of the Kingdom? Worth thinking about…

Father, find me commendable because of my love for You and Your people. May I get it, and may I serve, and as far as possible be a partner and a patron to those whose hearts are knitted to Yours and the furtherance of Your Kingdom – Amen.

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