Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Think it Over


2 Timothy 2.7 7 Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything. – St. Paul to Timothy (ESV)

Paul’s second letter to Timothy is his swan song to his protégé before his execution. Paul reminded Timothy to be strong and to depend on the Spirit of God as he continued to preach and teach in Paul’s place. And Paul had written to him to consider or think over what he has said to Timothy before his imminent exodus from earth.

It may have been natural for Timothy to have lost heart or had some doubts over what was transpiring, and perhaps he had been tempted to think that because of Paul’s imprisonment and condemnation that there might’ve been something Paul hadn’t told him; that there might’ve been some other reason for Paul to have been put in prison and condemned to death. So Paul here in this letter said, “Think over what I say Timothy, the Lord will give you understanding.”

Isn’t that what we need as we struggle with life’s issues and relationships? Isn’t that what we need when we hit a hard spot and need the assurance of the real reason we live to get us through? More often than not we should allow the counsel of Scripture to remind us that the Lord will give us understanding in everything – we’re to have that expectation. If God doesn’t help us, who will?

I see Paul’s letter to Timothy as an encouragement to keep on keeping on; to trust God in the circumstances and to believe. The work of the gospel is never finished.

I think most a lot of us struggle with what to do next. I think most of us struggle with thinking God has charged us to do it all. I think most of us have had experiences with people that have caused us to wonder: am I doing the right thing; am I in this for the right reason? It is good for us to stop and think over the why of what we’re doing to remember the what for doing it.

And in the midst of all of what we do with all of the outcomes – good or bad, comfortable or uncomfortable – we need to remember Who is in control and how He uses what we go through to grow us into His own glory and grace. The message here is: think over what was said and the Lord will provide understanding.

Father, how often I get consumed with the wrong thoughts about my circumstances and what is going on around me. Thank You for the reminder to think over all that is going on – the good and the bad – that I may realize You are present in all I do and You are there to help me and to grow Your Kingdom. Father, may I learn to accept this life the way it is, not the way I think it should be. And may I find Your comfort as I think over my times and days and remember Your presence in it all – amen.

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