Sunday, August 24, 2014

Being by Association


1 John 5.4 4 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. – The Apostle John (ESV)

I got up about 5 a.m. today. I usually get up pretty early so this was not out of my norm. My routine includes letting the dog out, starting the coffee, and starting my computer. The dog comes back in and flops by the door with a kind of whatever dude ‘tude; and my day starts. I open my Bible and I read.

Usually, when I read, there is some kind of background thought going on in my mind. I think about places I’ve been, people I know, things that have happened. I was at Boy’s Club* the other day and thoughts of that experience drifted up into my mind. I thought about the fact that I have been reading and studying about the financial industry since the 7th of July, and I am ready for that to be over with. I thought about the days ahead and how I am supposed to be. And when I read 1 John 5, I saw these words: For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And right after those words I saw these words: And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

What does it mean to overcome the world? It surely doesn’t mean one has to have beauty to overcome. I lose. Nor does it mean one has to possess vast intellectual resources to overcome the world. I really lose. Physical strength won’t do; neither will making friends and influencing people. Overcoming the world starts with understanding why the world needs to be overcome.

Jesus said these words in John 16: “I have said these things to you, that in [Me] you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (V. 33) So part of overcoming is finding a peace in a world desperately in need of peace. Peace is that great gift that tells the child of God: Keep your eyes on Me and fear won’t bother you.

Overcoming isn’t accomplished through politics, power, position, or performance; overcoming the world is only by faith – faith in God, and in Jesus Christ, His Son. Overcoming believes I am not of this world, but in search of a world to which God has called me in Christ: His world. Overcoming is associating with God by faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Faith is small to many. Faith is too small to many. The answer to life’s conundrums isn’t rocket-science or having all the answers; the answer to life is found in a trusting belief in the One who did for us what we could never do on our own: purchase our salvation. And John tells us simply that that is overcoming the world and that is victory. Victory isn’t winning in this case; it’s being by association through belief. The world isn’t any less than it is; it’s just more bearable by faith.

Father, may my faith grow. I have overcome the world only because of my faith in Jesus who said, “…take heart; I have overcome the world.” That’s enough for me and that is a victory worth having, and living for. Thank You for the gift of peace – amen.

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