Thursday, June 19, 2014

Is It Because


2 Kings 1.3 But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, “Go up and meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and ask them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?’ (NIV)

There are times when the question is worse than the answer – is it because…?? And to have God ask the question, Is It Because… makes it worse than any answer we can dream up. And it is because of such questions that we are taught about the Object of our faith and the Source of our faith. Improper or misplaced faith is a bad, bad thing.

Many today either don’t understand or don’t believe that God is God, and with God, all of life (in its varying forms) is complete. There isn’t a thing in our lives that God hasn’t thought of or made allowance for. All of the circumstances which we face (past, present, and future) are all part of God’s grand design for our lives. Life and death are held in the will of God. Our days are numbered, our hairs are numbered and nothing in all of creation (us included) escapes His notice, care, or involvement.

Well, Paul, does that also include our willful sin? Well, friend, in a way, yes it does. God can even use the sin in our lives to teach us how much we need Him and how much He loves us. (I don’t think it’s His preferred method, but He isn’t daunted or foiled by it either, no matter the havoc we wreak with it…)

But if we were to ask ourselves the question: Is it because there is no God in our lives that we rely on ourselves?, would that get our attention? Is it because there is no God in my life that I harbor such ill-will against certain people? Is it because there is no God in my life that I scheme, dream, and scream for things to be different because of the choices I’ve made? Is it because there is no God in my life that I am so afraid, so confused, and so scared of things like death, terrorism, politics, the economy, and, and, and ??? Is it because?

The Bible seems to assume we’re making some kind of godly progress in our lives. The Bible seems to assume we are willingly God’s ambassadors, representatives, and emissaries in this world to share His love, His truth and mission for mankind. Is it because there is no God that we ignore His calling upon us and allow ourselves to be caught up in distraction after distraction, after distraction? Is it because? Is it because we’re Americans?

Ahaziah (ah-hah-zeeah) was king over Israel. Israel as we recall is the nation of God’s chosen people with a direct line of access to God. Kings as we recall can pretty much do whatever they want. The rules, we may recall, may not apply to everyone, but the consequences do. Ahaziah decided to ignore God and seek assistance from Baal-zebub the detestable God of Ekron. Ekron as we recall was a principle city in the land of the Philistines. The Philistines as we recall were the perennial enemies of God’s people; and enemies of God’s people, as we recall, are enemies of God. Yikes! He did what!? Ahaziah forgot God and decided to go elsewhere for help.

I’m not sure when he wrote it, but Asaph the composer once wrote:
“The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing.
    They walk about in darkness;
    all the foundations of the earth are shaken.” (Psalm 83:5)

Asaph got it – Ahaziah didn’t. Ahaziah eventually died and faced God for his actions. So did Asap. One got it, the other one didn’t. (Think about it.)

Father, Help me to get it – I have no one other than You. Help me in every area of life to avoid the question: Is it because there is no God that you do what you do? Lord, help me to depend always and only upon You. Amen.

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