Saturday, April 5, 2014

Something More


2 Corinthians 5.4 4 For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. (NIV)

This week I’m groaning – I worked hard and this old body keeps asking: Dude! How long you gonna keep doing this to me!? I unloaded about 50 bags of cement and sand on Thursday and turned right around on Friday and helped move a very large, very heavy work bench. My arms groaned and twitched all night last night. And with each passing day it ain’t gettin’ any easier.

Life on the planet is what we know, but life in heaven is what we long for. Life on the planet is short, temporal, physical, and rife with sin, sickness, pain, confusion, disappointment and all kinds of other less than pleasant things. And in all of these things we groan. How long we ask. What’s the use?, we sigh.

There is, within all of us, (because God put it there) a longing to be different than what we are, and free from what we are subjected to. It’s God’s design that we long for such things because there is within all of us the touch of God’s hand and His design. Just because life on earth is groan-worthy it doesn’t mean it’s without God’s presence and purpose. And that’s why Paul said, “…we try to persuade others.” (V. 11)

For most, I think we groan without knowing. We live, we work, we survive – and when the morning light comes creeping in, we get up and do it again. Amen (Jackson Browne). It’s an everyday of everyday. But there are things in our lives that transcend the everyday-ness of everyday – it’s a groaning in the hopefulness of tomorrow and the freedom from what I term the “friction” or the retardation in which we exist. I think this applies to all humans because all of us, regardless of the lives we live and the beliefs we hold, are a gift from God to this planet and to the rest of humanity. And within each of us is His design, and the natural inclination to groan, for something more.

And God gives each one the something more for one simple exchange: belief there is Something more only from Him.

Today, sore and tired, I groan because my body longs for the youth and vitality it once had. But today also my life and being groans for the completeness of what has been started in me and will only be finished in eternity with Him. The hourglass is running out on what I call life here on earth. But the moment is coming when all moments will be eternities upon eternities in His presence for ever and ever… that, is something more worth groaning for…

Father, You have called me heavenward in Jesus and whether I recognize it or not I groan for that because You’ve placed in me a longing for something more. Thank You for the gift of groaning and the reminder that as marvelous as this life can be at times, it is nothing compared to what You have in store for us in our eternal home present with You. May I live today in hope and gratitude that all along You have made provision to quench my thirst for something more. Amen.

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