Sunday, April 13, 2014

Let’s Kick Some Butt!


1 Samuel 14.6 6 Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” (NIV)

What Jonathan said was true: nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or few. That is true. It might not be wise; but it certainly is true.I wonder why certain stories found their way into Scripture. This is one of them. I’d like to know what was on Jonathan’s mind when he said to his armor-bearer: Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf…

Maybe Jonathan was bored. Maybe he was just a brash, adventurous man and simply wanted to get some action. Whatever the reason, he made the decision to go. The story seems to spring up from, and end, in nowhere. I wonder why it is in Scripture. It got my attention today.

Sometimes we credit people with praise for taking action. Sometimes we call them into judgment for doing what appears foolhardy. I don’t know Jonathan’s mind and I don’t know if he was just being stupid or if he was being strong and courageous. (He was the king’s son, so he might’ve just been acting as a member of royalty: instead of playing polo he decided to kick some butt.)

I want to say that Jonathan was just being courageous. I want to say he was fiercely opposed to the presence of foreign troops in his homeland. I want to say he took wise action. But I can’t because I just don’t know. His decision seems to be almost impetuous. But his decision started a battle that maybe needed some motivating and from this story we get a clear picture of just how fragmented Saul’s leadership was. Let’s kick some butt! may have been on everyone’s mind but out of the then political correctness of it all they remained actionless. Sometimes someone has to stand up and lead.

I am exploring a future decision that is going to require: Let’s kick some butt! I can listen to the voice of reason and remain where I am or I can throw caution to the wind and proclaim: “Perhaps the Lord will act in [my] behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” All I know is doing nothing is not what I am called to, or created for. Jonathan’s motivation was the defense of his God and country from the tyranny of unbelievers. May I act in like manner.

Father in Heaven, You know the story – You made sure it was included in the accounts of the saints of old. This, seeming, small and random account tells me about leadership, taking action, and depending upon You. It teaches me about risk and about depending upon You. Help me in the days ahead to take action and to do all for Your sake, thanking You every day for Your being my motivation to live and to do. Help me God for nothing can hinder You from saving by many or by few… Amen.

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