Friday, February 7, 2014

Real Miracles


Acts 14.9 9 As this man was listening to Paul speak, Paul looked straight at him and saw that he believed God could heal him. (NCV)

Perhaps the man was just engaged in listening; perhaps he nodded his head and gave some indication that he heard and understood; whatever the case, Paul looked straight at him and saw that he believed God could heal him. And God did.

Miracles are unexplainable movements of God within our midst. Miracles come in all shapes and sizes. Miracles seem to be expressions of God which are used to help those who don’t believe, to believe. The man in Acts 14 needed God to come to his aid; he just didn’t know it until someone (Paul) told him about the healing power of God, and the man was healed because he simply believed. God did for the man what no one else could do: heal him of a condition that was beyond the power of man to perform.

Interestingly, what was a miracle to some was counted as magic by others. Some accepted the miracle, not as God’s power but as superstition and the narrative goes that the crowds thought Paul and Barnabas were Hermes and Zeus (respectively). Not everyone is ready to accredit God with miraculous powers – some are content to consider miracles with superstition and accept them as magic. Man is a such weird creature… The man believed, the crowd couldn’t.

When our oldest child, Marshall, was alive, we asked God repeatedly to heal him from a birth defect and make him well. And God ultimately did: we know Marshall is in heaven with Jesus today. But in this life God never miraculously “healed” Marshall; Marshall lived to his death in a very pathetic way. In retrospect, death was more of a miracle for Marshall than a healing would have ever been. The reality is that God was with Marshall (and my wife and I) through all those years of his life. And God provided wonderfully for us and that young man over and over.

The man in Acts 14 became a circus sideshow. Sometimes that is the downside of miracles; the crowd misunderstands what has happened. I’m glad our Marshall never became a sideshow. We must remember that when representing God and something happens that we don’t understand, there are those who really don’t understand and won’t accept it. The end of the story in Acts 14 is that Paul is stoned and left for dead by a vicious crowd that thought he tried to hoodwink them; people at a sideshow don’t want to know the truth; God is too much for them.

Two weeks ago at our church, twenty people accepted Christ as their Savior. What a MIRACLE! People who were dead in their trespasses and sins, received new life by confessing their need for the Savior. Wow! There is no greater miracle than when the living dead see life for the first time and become the living Living. That friends, is a miracle of God not a circus sideshow. We, as children of God, need to yearn for those miracles because the gift of life in Christ the Lord is really what life is all about, despite the miracles of the lame being enabled to walk…

Father, use me to be part of the real miracle of bringing those You’ve called, to life in Christ; and to live in Him, by Him, and through Him for all eternity. That is the miracle and I pray to be used by You for that! Amen.

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