Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Test Today


Zechariah 13.9 9 And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested.

Out of the pan into the fire. I don’t pretend to understand all of Zehariah’s prophecy. I’m not sure who he is talking to or about. Is this prophecy about Israel after the Exile or is it future from that? Parts of it seem to be very futuristic while other parts are not. One thing is for sure, I understand it is about God’s dealing with His people through His Messiah. And the bodies of many of them will be scattered about Palestine. (According to Zechariah 13.8 about two thirds of the people will perish and only one third will survive what killed the other two thirds.)

And the remaining third will go through some really tough times.

I firmly believe the Bible is comprised of God’s word written to two different people groups: the Jews with whom He got is all started, and the Gentiles whom He reached out to when the Jews spurned His offer.

In the midst of all this the Church was born and those who make up the Church are called the Bride of Christ. They too are the people of God but with a different distinction. And purpose. The Church is comprised of both Jewish believers and Gentiles. And God deals with the Church differently than He does with His people the Jews. It’s His prerogative to do so.

In Zechariah the prophecy pertains to the Jews. Israel in this particular time will lose about two thirds of their population to war (or invasion) while a third will remain. And the third which remains will be subjected to some very tough times in order to make their faith strong. You don’t really know what you believe until your belief is tested. Or challenged. This will be the way it goes at some point for God’s people the Jews.

For the rest of us, God’s people the Church, there are times of testing as well; we’re not exempt. God designed us all to come to know Him and those who believe God will test through tough times; not so He knows who we are, but so that we know who we are. Times of testing will come. Times of: out-of-the-pan-into-the-fire will come for all of us; our faith is that precious.

As I read this I think about me (of course, shouldn’t I?) and I think about the times of testing I’ve gone through and I then think about today: a time of testing. Today, the time of testing will reveal to me where my heart is today; when there is (relatively) little pressure. I don’t know where the day will lead but I must know where my heart is today. I must know if it’s true.

Recently I read this: God will judge us not according to how much we endured, but how much we could love. How much I love today will be a pretty good indicator of how much I trust today, and that will be determined by the test – today (whatever it happens to be).

And my prayer: Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!

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