Sunday, July 29, 2012



Is. 57.11 11 “Of whom were you worried and fearful when you lied, and did not remember Me nor give Me a thought? Was I not silent even for a long time so you do not fear Me?” NASB

On what I imagine was a sparkling afternoon one day, God asked a question: Where are you? (Genesis 3.9) It was the question of a parent asking about His children; the man and the woman in Genesis 3 had hid themselves; they had missed an appointment: no phone call, no note, no e-mail; no text. God’s question was not the first question in the Bible but it is an important question and one He’s been asking mankind ever since.

In Isaiah 57, God asked another question “Of whom were you worried and fearful when you lied, and did not remember Me nor give Me a thought? Was I not silent even for a long time so you do not fear Me?” This is the question of Husband wondering about His wife.

The questions of God are difficult because when He asks them He already knows the answer. He asks the questions because He wants His people to know the answer. In Isaiah the question is one among many in Isaiah’s writings but it is pointed: Of whom were you worried and fearful when you lied…? What happens when one spouse lies to the other? Trouble. What happens to a relationship where lies are introduced? Trouble. What happens when God’s people forget Him? Trouble.

The relationship between God and men is a troubled relationship and where God shows Himself to be almost what we would call pathetic in His pursuit of these creatures who continually lie to Him, cheat Him, and steal from Him. We would ask: Why don’t You just wipe them out and start over again!? Look at how they treat You! And yet, we’re them; we’re the liars, the cheaters, and the thieves.

The questions stop me and make me think about God’s love for us in that He doesn’t wipe us all out and start again. God knows that love wins. He’s based all of creation on that plan: love wins. I’m glad love wins because as a fallen creature without God’s love, I lose. And I need God’s questions. I know they’re addressed to others but through the testimony and the tenor of Scripture they ask me the same thing: “Of whom were you worried and fearful when you lied, and did not remember Me nor give Me a thought? Was I not silent even for a long time so you do not fear Me?

God’s questions remind me of His often silent but very real presence. And His very real presence is very holy, spotless, and pure. And whether or not I remember how present He is, I am accountable to His love and the effort to which He’s gone, to woo me. I must accept the raging passion of His love if I call Him my God. I must realize the terrifying jealousy He has for me when I wander off into adultery – whatever kind that is. (No, I have not cheated on my wife ever; but I may have on God a time or two.)

God’s questions grab me and call me back into reality: Paul, do you really realize how much I love you? Of whom are you so worried and fearful about when you lie to yourself, and don’t remember Me or give Me a thought? His questions are worth reading and answering. He knows, but do I?

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