Thursday, July 5, 2012

Contending for the Faith


Hosea 2.2 2 “Contend with your mother, contend, for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband..." NASB

Here we are in the USA on the day after Independence Day – our national day of remembrance for breaking from the tyranny of George the Third. On July Fourth, 1776 our forefathers sent king George of England notice (via the Declaration of Independence) that they were no longer  going to accept his rule, and a war of revolution soon followed. King George didn’t go down without a fight; he contended (in that war) to keep his colonies and subject them to his rule.

Hosea was instructed by God to marry a prostitute and have children by her. Hosea’s actions were to be a picture to the nation of Israel of the adulterous ways they had treated God by their independence from Him. Israel had decided that God was not their God (or at least He was not their only God). And like a prostitute uses her own body to provide for herself, Israel had decided to use their own wherewithal to live among the neighboring nations; they decided they didn’t need God. The sad part is they used what God had given them to further their own agenda without Him.

Hosea’s marriage to Gomer (the prostitute) was a picture of a declaration of dependence to God. If Gomer needed anyone to get her out of her cycle of depravity and degradation, it was a husband; and Hosea was the one. If Israel needed anyone to contend for them among their neighboring nations and keep them safe and prosperous: it was God.

On the heels of Independence Day, we ought to have Dependence Day; we ought to have a national declaration of dependence upon God. Israel sure needed such a day; we need one too. God loves people, He loves mankind or He wouldn’t have created us – all He ever does or will do is in love. In love God commanded Hosea to marry Gomer with all of the social stigma that would attend such a marriage. In love God called Israel to love Him in return and to remain faithful to Him depending on Him to care and provide for all of their needs. In love God calls us to that same dependence in our modern lives to care and provide for us. All we need do in return is remain faithful to Him… God contends with us to that end.

God probably had to do some contending with Hosea in the first place to get him to see the purpose in marrying Gomer. God had some contending to do with Israel to remind them of His faithfulness to care for them in the midst of their national enemies. And God contends with us day after day after day to remind us of His provision in all things, His presence in all things, and His love for us in all things. Like God’s call on Israel in Hosea 2, so is God’s call on our lives as believers “…to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints…” (Jude 3).

Living a life of contending is making the argument that God is our God and He provides for us in all things. We need to make the effort (to contend for this) and it proves our love for God when we do.

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