Friday, August 26, 2011

What a World Watches


Jeremiah 50.46: 46 At the sound of Babylon’s capture the earth will tremble; its cry will resound among the nations. NIV

Babylon was one of the first truly well-managed empires. When they came on the scene they were the marvel of the world politically, socially, and militarily. Who could take over Babylon? Who could bring her down and subject her? Kind of brings up the thoughts in me that I have about a certain country I am very familiar with… Makes me wonder about the beginnings of Babylon – how it all got started for them.

Countries, cultures, and kingdoms don’t just happen. They're like a Diamond anniversaries – sorta… they take time and pressure to become what they are (or in this case, what they were). But however they got their start, whether in was in a local bar over a few beers, start they did, and grow they did; and conquer they did – and impress they did. Babylon was to a watching world, the pinnacle of success. So it was no wonder when the J-man (Jeremiah) prophesied, he included what the world would think when Babylon the great ran aground because of its pride, accomplishments, and success. The world would shake it’s head in utter disbelief.

Now there are two ways I could continue: I could make a comparison to the United States, or I could make personal comparison. I’m gonna opt for safety and do the latter.

What does a watching world think of our testimony as believers? How are we sized up? Many already think we’re just a bunch of hypocritical phony . Many think we’re a just bunch of gun-toting conservative loonies on the level of extremism. And many think we’re just weak because, they think, we need a god-crutch. And some (I think) have a level of respect (although they might not readily admit it) for our faith and conduct which makes it all the more poignantly tragic when a believer blows it on a colossal level either morally or criminally (which is really just immorality in different packaging).

So what about it? Well, I know that for me to go off the deep end in some catastrophic way would cause some people a great deal of hurt and others a great deal of confusion – what the (bleep) did he do that for!? And then to some it would simply underscore what they suspected all along – Paul really isn’t who he says he is… (if he did such and such).

But on top of all that I think there are even more dramatic ramifications when a believer falls: I think earth itself trembles and mourns. Romans 8.19-21 Says: “For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” Creation is watching too. There is great earthly anticipation that what God is doing will work in the lives of His children.

God can certainly repair a lot of damage but I cannot live thinking that I live in a vacuum just because I believe in Him; and His grace is sufficient. My actions speak way louder than my words and a watching world is watching. And that’s my perspective.

PS: For a thoroughly fascinating perspective go to enjoy!

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