Saturday, October 17, 2015

Our Human Calling


Job 2.3 And the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.”

The Book of Job, is truly a mysterious book with a mixture of interaction with the Divine, the demonic, and the daily humdrum of humanity. Job was described by God as one who was blameless, upright, who feared (respected) God and turned away from evil. What does God say about you and me? God said good things about Job; Satan accused it was all a façade, and God propped Job up so he could be that way. The Accuser of the Brethren blames God for everything… as do his sons.

Job was minding his own business and things got dicey without his having anything to do with it; God knew what He was doing. God always knows what He is doing. Who says that He doesn’t?

Job was accused by Satan, his wife, and ultimately his friends, of clinging to his misplaced integrity. Satan said he only had it because God had blessed him. (I find that blessings more often than not, in the lives of those without integrity, tend to pull them away from God rather than bring them closer to Him.) To whom much is given, much is required. 

Job’s wife, I suspect, in her grief at their loss was concerned more with the loss, than integrity; she was looking for someone to blame. And Job’s friends came to the conclusion that Job had somehow enormously sinned, and he was being scourged by God for his transgressions. Most of us fit into one or more of those categories.

But God knew (knows) what He is/was doing. He cannot be God if He doesn’t. And God let Job be Job in the midst of all this; and He taught Job about Himself, and himself. Job’s sufferings were not pointless.

Suffering, like blessing, can do one of two things: it can bring one closer to God or drive one farther from Him. Everything in this life is meant/designed to bring us closer to God – that’s why God is God and we are we. God has given us everything for our enrichment and to enhance our relationship with Him. We tend to seek the blessings and avoid the oft horrors of human experience, but it is all to help us come closer to God and to cling in dependency, worship, and praise to Him. Our human calling is way beyond trinkets.

Our Human Calling is this: Have you considered My servant __________________ (insert your name here) that there is none like him/her on the earth, a blameless and upright one, who fears God and turns away from evil? God has mighty plans for us to make a difference in the human condition and to silence the heavenly host which thinks God only lamely props up mankind with toys, pleasures, and treasures to somehow get them to love Him more. Are you and I up for the calling of those mighty plans? What would Satan say to God about us?

Father in Heaven, You know what You are doing and it is way beyond toys, trinkets, and treats. My prayer is that I recognize Your plans and will for my life and in the power of the Holy Spirit rise to the occasions of everyday life to make a difference in the human condition for the better and listen as You silence Your enemies that I am a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil. That is Your calling on me. Amen

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