Sunday, October 4, 2015

Grateful in Grace


Luke 17.10 So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty. – Jesus

I can see how it happens: somebody says something that gets passed along to someone else and slightly changed; and then someone else hears it and it gets changed again, and before you know it, what is now said is nothing like what was said originally. Like that game we play where we line up and a word or phrase is given to the first person and whispered into the ear of the next and the next, and at the end of the line it is completely different. Jesus said, “We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.”

Somehow that got changed to: “I’m just a sinner saved by grace.” In God’s Kingdom we are neither unworthy nor sinners. If we are, then what is the point? Yes, we were sinners; but we now are children. And I’m not sure in the greater scheme of things that we were ever unworthy – God didn’t do all He’s done for the unworthy, but for the worthy – that’s how much He thinks of us. (See Psalm 8.4 and Hebrews 2.6)

When Jesus said that we are to claim that we are unworthy servants, He was directing us to do what we are supposed to do as children of the Most High, but not claiming the glory, the praise, the accolades, the prestige – we are certainly unworthy in the sense of serving Him who is worthy. Humility goes a long way with God. Doing what is expected is commendable but it is only doing what is expected. Going beyond expectations is what is expected in the Kingdom. But doing the expected or going beyond the expected is only done in order to point to Him to whom all glory belongs.

Jesus’ audience was Jewish. There were certainly outsiders who heard Him who marveled at what He said, but Jesus spoke primarily to Jews. The Jews back then had come to believe that their favored status was something of a merit-badge; they deserved what they had, and who they were. That was the problem – none of us deserve anything, but God’s grace is extended to us all: what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? All I know is it has something to do with God.

I serve the King because He is King. I enjoy the King because He is King. I do what I do for the King not to garner points with Him, but because He has given me all the points I’ll ever need in His singular sacrifice for me. He did for me what I could never do for myself and for that I am eternally grateful. Unworthy? Nope. Deserving? Nope. Grateful? Yep.

Father God, help me to maintain the right attitude toward who I am in this world and who I am in Your Kingdom. In this world I want to do what is expected and go beyond that for the sake of others; but I will do what I do for Your glory and not my own. I am not worthy of glory as a servant but I receive grace as a child – thank You for that! Amen.

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