Friday, October 10, 2014

An Undeserved Invitation


Luke 23.42-43 42 And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”  - the thief, and the Christ (ESV)

Last summer I went on a mission trip to Kenya. On the way my flights were repeatedly delayed, cancelled, or rescheduled so that what was supposed to be about a 30 hour trip lasted 6 days. I was really glad when we finally landed in Nairobi on the very last night. Jet lag had begun...

Once, a thief condemned to die for his crimes, was crucified on a cross on a hill right outside Jerusalem. That hill was a popular spot for such executions because it was very visible – a subtle, but in-your-face reminder of what lay in store for someone who ran afoul of the occupying Romans. Authority takes no pleasure in those who attempt to run afoul; and those who choose to do so must be met with swift and severe punishment sending a message to others that such behavior will not be tolerated. All reports affirm crucifixion was effective.

On another cross that same day, not but a few feet away, another thief was also crucified for his crimes against the Republic. And remarkably, on yet another cross, on that same day, on that same hill, not but a few feet away, the Savior of mankind was crucified for telling mankind the truth: brief conversation ensued.

The one thief railed in agony and pain against the Savior: if You’re who You say You are, then save us! You go back to saving and I’ll go back to stealing! The other thief rebuffed: Hey stupid, we’re getting what we deserve but this Guy didn’t do anything wrong! And turning to Jesus, he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “Truly… today you will be with me in Paradise.”

What does it look like to die and wake up in Paradise? I’m not sure, but I know of one thief who does. When we landed in Nairobi, we had no idea where we were (other than in a foreign country) or how to get where we needed to be. But our sponsor came to the airport and ushered us to his home where we met up with our companions and spent the next week ministering to children in a school in a slum. Paradise? Well, it beat jail or crucifixion.

There is a former thief in heaven I hope to meet one day who will get to tell me the story of how, undeserving as he was, he obtained an invitation from the Savior of the world to be with Him in Paradise. He deserved to die by the rules of man; but he was invited to heaven because he believed in the Savior, hanging on a cross just a few feet away…

Father, I was born undeserving of heaven. I was born deserving everything I got. But at one point along the way – in a restaurant on a bright June afternoon – You opened my eyes and my heart to the promise of Paradise of which I was so undeserving. And You’ve allowed me to live every day since looking forward to the day I will finally get to go home to be with You in Paradise. So, as I live and work and serve You today, I do so with joy knowing that my days on earth are numbered, but my days with You in Paradise are without end! Amen.

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