Friday, November 2, 2012

Beyond the Limits


Mark 11.22 22 And Jesus answered saying to them, “Have faith in God. NASB
(Read Mark 11.12-14 and 20-26)

There are two things worth noting here: one, the fruit tree, and two, the way we should live. I think what Jesus was saying this: live according to the principles and ways of God! I think He was saying this because the ways and principles of God are different than the ways and principles of men. Here’s what I mean:

At first we may want to exclaim, “Jesus, of course, there isn’t any fruit on that tree, it isn’t fruit season. How can You curse a tree for just doing what it is supposed to do!?”  God can expect fruit from a fig tree in season or out of season – He made the fig tree. The principle here is that just because man deviated from the laws of God doesn’t mean the laws are null and void – God is still God, and His laws are still valid.

Man broke away from God not the other way around. God doesn’t have to do what we think He should – God does what He does regardless of what we do. It wasn’t nature that sinned and fell from grace – it was man. And so Jesus cursed the fig tree and Peter later exclaimed: “Rabbi, look, the fig tree which You cursed has withered.” Peter may have had the thoughts we think: Don’t curse a fig tree for not having fruit when its not supposed to…(if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it…)

Have faith in God! Stopping looking at things from a purely human standpoint – God doesn’t live that way and neither should we. Yes, there are limitations upon us but we’re to learn who God is despite those boundaries and yearn to live beyond the boundaries. God isn’t bound by boundaries and He expects that we come to know and live in Him regardless of the boundaries.

Living beyond the limits is expecting God to do things like heal the terminally ill. Living beyond the limits is to expect God to provide something out of nothing. Living beyond the limits is to read and know His word and live accordingly: on every page Boundless God speaks words to children of whom He expects they live boundlessly as well. Have faith in God! Yes, we’re affected by things like gravity now, but one day we won’t be. Living today in gravity is all about learning to live tomorrow when gravity is no more. Have faith in God – live outside the bounds…at least in your attitude and expectation.

Jesus lived beyond the limits because He knew who He was and where He came from. We’re to live the same way: we’re to know who we are and where we belong – and to Whom we belong. Regardless of what we’re going through now our attitude must always be: fruit trees and faith – have faith in God who is boundless. We’re to be free to have that expectation because we belong to Him.

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