Thursday, November 1, 2012

Because He Believed


Mark 10.52 52 And Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him on the road. NASB

In my Bible the phrase, …has made you well, is translated from the phrase: has saved you. A blind man along the side of the road heard that Jesus was coming by and shouted out to him, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus heard him and gave him back his sight and told him, “Go; your faith has saved you.” Bartimaeus, the blind man, got more than he bargained for that day. His belief brought him sight and salvation. Only God can do that.

Years ago a friend of mine sought me out to fill a job position in the place where he worked. He believed I could do the job and do it well and so, I took the job. I didn’t do so well. The problem was I didn’t believe like he did. I never believed it was really the job for me and after five years I went and did something else.

More recently another friend sought me out to fill another job position. He believed I was the guy for the job. I lasted 10 months; I didn’t believe like he believed.

Nowadays, I am trying to teach my son that he has more potential than he thinks he does – I believe that. I’ve lived long enough to know that if you put your heart into things you’ll reap good results. I’m not so sure he believes me.

Blind Bartimaeus could have just let Jesus go on by without saying anything but Bartimaeus believed. He believed the stories he’d heard about this Rabbi and he wanted in on the action; and unbelievably, Jesus was walking right by him in that very spot on that very day – and his faith in Jesus saved him…and he got his sight too! Blind Bartimaeus became Seeing son of God because he believed.

Bartimaeus had believed that if someone could help him get back his sight, his life would be better than blindly begging blind by the side of the road. When you’re blind you can’t see what’s coming at you: you can’t see a snake, or a scorpion, or a poisonous lizard approaching. You can’t see a rat or a bat or even a cat. Bartimaeus wanted to see so he could live differently.

The whole point to the story of Blind Bartimaeus is belief. The whole point of Mark 10 is belief. The whole point of the Bible is belief. The whole point of life is belief. Can you believe God for something? Can I? Can you believe there is a God? Can I? What is it in your life, that if you had, that things would be different? Can you believe God for that? Will you?

I’m drinking my coffee out of a cup this morning that has these words printed on the side: I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Jeremiah 29.11. The Lord is asking me to believe that. I think He’s asked me to believe that since the day I was born. I believe He’s asked me to believe that since before the world was formed. Today, like blind Bartimaeus, and you, and everyone else… I’m going to believe that. I may not see it yet, and I may not have as many years left as I used to, but I’m going to believe because Jesus said if I do, my belief in the Right Person at the right time, will save me. I want to be saved… because I believe.

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