Saturday, November 19, 2011

What Words


Matthew 4.19 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” NIV

Well, it happened: Regis did his last show on Live. Cathy and I sat and watched the recording last night (aren’t DVR’s nice?). I enjoyed the show and the way they honored Regis for his entertainment value and his contribution to the television industry. It was nice and only a little teary. Regis is gone but the show must go on…

In one segment of the show Regis reflects on his late start as a star and shares with the audience these bits of advice: don’t wait like I did, (he would say) to follow your dreams; do it now. If you want to do something in life, don’t wait, go for it now. In other words, you don’t know if you don’t go, and if you wait you might be too late… something like that. Great words, but I got to thinking about the Christian and asking myself, what words will motivate us to do the greatest things in our lives. And Jesus said, Come follow Me and I will send you out to fish for people.

I always enjoyed watching Regis because he was funny and did some crazy, but tame stuff, on his show. But the bottom line is that Regis, as good as he was at his craft, is only an entertainer. He may have done some charity work and all that but he is just an entertainer and as good as he was at what he did, that is all he has. The believer is called to do the bidding of the King. The believer is called to follow Jesus, regardless of vocation, and learn to fish for people. We could say that Regis did what was nice, the believer is called to do that which is eternal.

I look at my life and ask, Paul, what have you done, and on what, do you hang your hat? My answer is to say I have given my life to the King. My life is to be guided by what the King says, not what Regis tells me. I admire and respect Regis for his accomplishments, work ethic, and talents, but I worship the King. I would echo Regis’ words and say to anyone who would listen, don’t wait to serve Jesus, learn to do it now. The ride and the adventure will be worth everything you give it, and infinitely more.

So, if we need words to motivate us and to help us achieve our dreams, Regis’ words, as good as they were, only go so far. Jesus’ words however, take us into an eternal relationship with God…how cool is that!? So, what am I to do today in response? Follow Christ, and then fish for people.

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