Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No Longer Calling God, God


Today, my faith took a turn; a turn I wasn’t expecting: I decided I need to quit calling God, God. Now, lest you think I’m going off aberrantly, here’s what I think happened…

In Matthew 5, 6, and 7 Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is recorded. Jesus uses the name ‘Father’ for God fifteen times; specifically, “your Father”. He was making a point. He used the name, God only four times; a conspicuous difference. For many years in my life I have been content to call God, God because that is who He is. Today, I realized that I need to call Him, Father, because that is what He does… to me.

Again, lest I be accused of trying to hammer out a new theology here, this is what I mean: God is more titular and Father is more intimate. I don’t think God cares what we call Him as long as we call on Him – and find our sufficiency in Him. But as I prayed today the need to call Him Father, brought a level of compassion and care that the name, God doesn’t. Jesus said, “Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6.8 NIV)

Jesus also said in Luke 11.13: “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (NIV)

So here is what happened: I have needs and I am free to go to God and talk to Him about them. God is gentle and kind, and wise and caring, but if I know how to give good gifts to my own kids, how much more will my heavenly Father give good gifts to me if I ask Him? When I talk to God it is on one level; when I talk with Father, it is on another… to me.

Some people deny God – to them, He doesn’t exist (or they don’t want Him to…). To others, He is only ever, God: a deity with no name, except God. To me, He is God, but He is also my Father in Heaven and I look to Him to give me what I need before I even voice it: He already knows what I need. And so, I’ve decided to quit calling God, God because today He revealed Himself to me on a new level: Paul, I am your Father. I will take care of you, for you are My son.

Thank You Father!

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