Sunday, December 18, 2016

My Food


John 4.34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

When reading Scripture, there is a balance between what is written and what to do. The good news is the Scriptures were written by the Holy Spirit as He moved upon the lives of those who wrote them. So, then, two things: 1, we’re to seek what to do by what is written, and 2, and what is written will give us direction as to what to do.

I read Jesus’ words today and asked myself: what is my food? Now, Jesus wasn’t saying He never ate food, but He was saying that the true purpose of His life went way beyond the consumption of food and drink. By contrast, my life tends to be toward my next client meeting, and what we’ll eat or drink; Jesus however, was so focused on His Father, and His will, that He always kept His concentration there.

Where is my concentration? What is my food?

Jesus could say that His food was the will of the Father because He knew where He was from and what He was supposed to do. I haven’t reached that degree of focus; but I want to.

It doesn’t have to be that difficult. It simply boils down to the thoughts and intents of the heart. And today, in all my ways, can I, will I, keep my acknowledgment on God? What is keeping me from doing that? When or how do I get to that place where I too can say, my food is to do the will of the Father. Is there even an expectation that I do so?

I think the answer lies in the words, ‘my food’ and how I live out my moments my day. I don’t think there is an expectation that I do what Jesus did, but I also don’t think there would be objection from my Savior if I did. My food is my food. And My food is whatever it is that keeps me centered and focused on the will of the Father. A good friend of mine quoted Galatians 6.4-5 today out of the Message paraphrase:

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.

In other words, My Food is my food but it’s not about performance, it’s about friendship. It’s not about emulation, it’s about love. God, how can the expression of my love for You today feed that part of me that wants to do what You’ve given me to do and to sink myself into just that? That I think is the question.

I don’t eat my food from your plate or even Jesus’ plate. But I do eat from that which satisfies my soul in the quest of knowing God and serving Him. My food is that which energizes me to live for the will and sake of Him who called me, and Him who took my place so that I can serve Him who called me… no rocket science necessary…

Father, in things great or small today, may I keep my focus on You and even my small ways may I find my true fulfillment not in food or drink or things of this world, but in the ‘consumption’ of doing what it is You’ve called me to do, and finding pleasure in that alone. Amen

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