Friday, December 23, 2016

Arresting God


John 18.4-6 4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?” 5 “Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) 6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground. – St. John

It’s not like John was a Bible scholar; he was just a man who possessed a deep and unique relationship with Jesus. To my knowledge, John never went to seminary. He probably was only schooled as a boy in the rabbinical offerings of his local synagogue, but other than that, he was just a fisherman, along with all of what comes along with that trade: smelly hands and clothes, tolling long hours through the night in search of a catch, trying to make a living as a business man. Competition. Customers. Compensation.

But John, knew Jesus. John knew Jesus and saw Jesus and presented Him to us by what he experienced with Jesus. John saw Jesus differently.

John was there that night Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane; and John heard Jesus say, “I am He.” We note that in the narrative there is no exclamation point: Jesus didn’t say “I AM HE!”; He simply said, “I am He.” John said when Jesus said this, all of the men who came to arrest Him, drew back and fell to the ground. When you come to arrest God, better be careful what you seek to do.

John is the only gospel writer to address the issue of the, drawing back and falling down. Matthew omitted it. Mark (Peter’s gospel) doesn’t mention it. And Dr. Luke, Mr. Detail, didn’t include it either. But John did and he did for good reason: John, defends the deity of Christ. It’s not that the others don’t, but John is the only gospel writer to overtly deal with the deity of Christ. The others deal with His messiah-ship to Israel; and His human ancestry. John is the only one who says:

“In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.” (John 1.1)

The mere humans who came to do Jesus ought that night, had no idea who they were dealing with. John, and only in hindsight, got it – Jesus was not only God’s Son, He was God. That makes people uncomfortable and that makes lots of people draw back and fall down in their understanding of Who God is and what it is He desires to do with us.

Our belief is acceptable to us when we’re comfortable with it: a baby in a manger, wise men, a star, angels and shepherds. But when God shows up as He does in the life of every human, every day, one of two things happen: either (a: we draw back and fall down in disbelief; or (b: we step forward and fall down in worship… Our attempts to arrest God are futile.

You know though, what does arrest God is: faith. What pleases God is: faith. What brings all of God into all of us is: faith. It isn’t Christmas – or Easter; it’s faith. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11.6) To arrest God, one must come armed with faith…

Father, we silly humans think we have such power and strength but in reality we are poor and naked, wretched, and blind. Give us faith today to see You, to know You and to trust You. May my faith, arrest You in Your heavenly governance to come alongside me and help me. I pray this in Your holy, and unarrestable Name! Thank You for what You are doing! Amen

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