Sunday, February 15, 2015


Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. Proverbs 15:16 (ESV)
I get weird inside when I read a verse like this. It's not that I don't believe; it is just because of how I react to such thinking. It's counter to all that I have been taught as to how to live on earth.
Success, humanly speaking, is great wealth; it's success and influence; it's, "I want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep, and find I'm king of the hill; top of the heap..." It has little to do with the fear of the Lord. The world shuns this; what it considers to utter nonsense that only applies to the weak.
I know many who'd like to win the Powerball not really understanding that with a hundred and forty million dollars in winnings (or whatever it currently is) come that many losings...and perhaps more. When Jesus said he who is faithful with little will be trusted with much, He wasn't joking; He was telling those who will listen, that more money isn't the answer, but faithfulness is...
For many years I have stupidly sought more money; what I've really always needed is more of Him; specifically more capacity for all He's given: all of Himself. Great treasure for the untested, the uncommitted, the undedicated brings trouble that can not be measured. Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. God Alone and respect for Him is always. Eternally. Better.

Father, You are the Forgiver of the stupid and the Teacher of the simple. Heal me God and teach me to walk in wisdom and that fear that quiets my heart. Amen


TH said...

It is better to live with less and honor the Eternal
than to have riches and carry the burdens that come with them.

I like this version of the verse, Easier to understand.

TH said...

For many years I have stupidly sought more money; what I've really always needed is more of Him; specifically more capacity for all He's given: all of Himself.

Boy isn't this true.... I have been in the same boat, looking for the "more money" but how often did I Jesus' words, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and ALL of these things shall follow you". What are those things? Cloths, shelter, food. What more do I need. I would rather be at peace and content, than take on the burdens of this world than all the riches of the world.