Saturday, March 1, 2014

Faith in an All-Nighter


Mark 8.12 12 He sighed deeply and said, “Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to it.” (NIV)

Last night (or this morning, whichever you prefer) I stayed up all night with our Royal Ranger group (and some invited guests) at church. It was called a Lock-In and as you see, we were locked in (2 adults and 25 or so 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.) We in America (somewhat) and especially in our church would call this ministry: we let 25 kids get together, play video games, watch movies, play dodge ball, smash-mouth, and gaga-ball*). All night.

The reason we do this (although not too often, thank You Lord!) is we want to be faithful adults facilitating a youth gathering where we all have fun together, invite some friends, and hint at why it would be important to be a part of Royal Rangers at our church (call it out-reach if you want…) It’s a point of reference for the kids: Yeah I remember this time I went to this all-nighter at a friend’s church and we had food and fun all night and some guy prayed over the food.

I suppose I look for a sign that something happened. Well, you know, something did happen – we stayed up all night, and had a lot of fun, and two adults made sure we didn’t do anything stupid. Now, did anyone get saved? Not that I’m aware. Did anyone get healed? Not that I’m aware. The operative word here is: not that I’m aware. I am not aware of the inner workings of God on the heart of a person. I know so little about them that to guess or surmise, or judge that God has done anything is simply arrogance on my part. I am not privy to the private movements of God in a person’s life.

The Pharisees, in Mark 8, demanded a sign: Prove Yourself, Bigshot! And Jesus replied, Nope! Ain’t happenin’! (His implication was: y’all gonna jus’ have to take Me by faith.) God doesn’t need to prove Himself to anyone – ever. When I read this passage I see Jesus shaking His head in exasperation and saying: You people! With all we’ve been through over the last two millennia together, what more do you want!?

Today, I am tired and worn out from staying up all night. But today, by faith, I know God was there because, for at least two of us, we were there in faith that what we were doing – sleep-deprived and all – it was for God, and the kids for which we did it. And this: we all made a giant leap forward in building relationships, and maybe some friendships, that will transcend the passing of the years to come, and may result in someone(s) coming to know Jesus better. What more of a sign do I need than that!?

Father, the sign is simply this: You’ve allowed me by Your grace to know You, be excited about You, and trust that what I truly do for You (all-nighters and all) will have some effect for the Kingdom over which You rule and wherein I am Your child – my sign is You by faith! Amen.

*Really fun action games in which one has to think, stay awake, and not get hit in the face with a rubber ball…

PS: To Pastor Brad Philips I am eternally grateful – thank you for letting me be a part!

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