Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Will We Pray


Acts 12.5 5 So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church. (ESV)

If there is anything that is going to unlock the issues in our lives, it is prayer – earnest prayer. Our country is besieged with immoral muck; it will only be washed away by prayer. Our families are under assault and our children are seen as pawns – the only way to arrest such action is through prayer.

Peter was in an impossible situation – he’d garnered the ire of a despotic ruler who was going to use him as political fodder to gain power and influence. This ruler had already killed James the brother of John and saw what effect it had with those he was trying to manipulate; and now he had Peter who was a pile of political currency if there ever was one. To kill Peter would be to cement their allegiance to him in one big power-grab.

The ruler – Herod – didn’t count on the power of God in prayer. He hadn’t a clue. Most rulers and power mongers don’t. Our present day ruling class has very little if any understanding of the power of prayer. And earnest prayer was being lifted to God by His church in Jerusalem. Evil men are going to do evil things but the people of God have one weapon in the arsenal that interrupts the evil: prayer.

What would happen in our land in our present day if God’s people would put aside whining and criticism of their government and prayed? The greatest service we can be to our rulers with their dealings of the hard issues is to pray for them: God give them wisdom and help them not to cave to political pressure, correctness, and the lust for power.

I must pray. You must pray. Our churches must pray. Earnest prayer must be lifted for our very lives hang in the balance.

The power of prayer unlocks the seemingly insurmountable problems we face. The power of prayer stops tyrants and topples high schemes put together in the dark of night. The power of prayer demonstrates our need for and commitment to God. We have God on our side and to misuse or neglect prayer is to do so at our own risk.

When I stand before my Maker, He will ask me, Paul, son of Mine, did you pray? Did you lift prayers and petitions to Me about the issues in your life and the tough things you faced? Did you ever really pray earnestly? What I do now is how I will answer His questions then.

The church in Acts earnestly prayed and God earnestly and powerfully answered. What about us? What about you – what about me: will we pray

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