Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Trance or Two


Acts 10.10 10 And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance… (ESV)

I looked up the word trance and found the following:
1. a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in which ability to function voluntarily may be suspended.
2. a dazed or bewildered condition.
3. a state of complete mental absorption or deep musing.
4. an unconscious, cataleptic, or hypnotic condition.
5. Spiritualism. a temporary state in which a medium, with suspension of personal consciousness, is controlled by an intelligence from without and used as a means of communication, as from the dead.

I then began to sort through what might’ve been happening to Peter in order for him to have been in a trance and decided #3 was the best explanation of what happened to him. As I thought about that, I thought about my own experience and tried to remember when or if I’ve ever been in a trance. I decided that I hadn’t but I still wondered about Peter being so mentally caught up that he sort-of checked out.

I don’t think I know of anyone who’s ever been in a trance. I know trances can happen because I’ve heard of them and I think sometimes one can be so caught up in maybe reading a book or watching a movie or a TV show that they lose track of time; but to fall into a trance – well, that’s outside my experience.

But why is it important; or is it? Is this a minor to major on or a major to minor on? I think it’s important because God was going to teach Peter something and Peter’s intention was to go up on the roof and pray. Again I reflect on my own experience and imagination and wonder, Paul, when is the last time you were so caught up in prayer that you actually learned something? And then I wondered: is that a part of prayer too: learning something?

I don’t think every time we pray there has to be some lofty mystical experience, but I do think there is a need to take our prayer lives to a deeper level (at least I think there is for me) and there is certainly something to be considered when it comes to actually learning from God during times of prayer and meditation.

And then again, why not have a lofty mystical experience? Why not get so carried away that there is a real connection with God in spiritual intimacy and such a sharing of His heart that we connect with what is important to Him in His plan and purpose in the world in which we are His representatives and servants?

Prayer is work but there is nothing wrong with work; and there is really a sense of joy with a job well done – so why not a sense of deep and satisfying communion with a prayer well done? Peter seemed to routinely invest time in prayer at a certain hour and that particular day he just got carried away and God showed him that there are others out there He needed Peter to look at differently so that he, Peter, could share God’s message with them, and get past his prejudices of who they were and what they were.

Lord, If that’s what it takes sometimes, then I ask for a trance or two to get my beehiney motivated to get up and get out and take care of what is important to You!

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