Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent Day One – The Crusher

Genesis 3.15 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” NIV

Advent is all about the Coming. The Coming is all about God’s Plan of Redemption. And God’s Plan of Redemption is all about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Offspring spoken of in the above verse.

In this verse God is addressing the serpent that deceived Eve into eating the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was as simple as convincing a child to do something wrong because the child doesn’t know any better. But God knew better and the serpent knew better.

In the beginning God said, “I will” and He did. From the beginning the serpent said, “I will” and he did. In response to the serpent, God said, “I will” and He did: God put enmity between the human race and the serpent’s race of evil. God put a difference between the descendants of Eve and the descendants of evil. And the outcome of the enmity would be either a crushed head, or a bruised heel.

God was never without a plan; He wasn’t surprised or caught off-guard. God knew what He was dealing with before the world was created and God said, “I will save My people from their sins against Me and against each other.” Advent is about salvation. The Crusher would come and put an end to the bruiser. The bruised heel would be nothing compared to a smashed head.

And the Seed, the Offspring, the Crusher showed up as a tiny helpless baby, born in obscurity and poverty to no-name couple who had to hole-up in a barnyard at His birth because there wasn’t a place for them anywhere else. Could it have been more ridiculous? To us maybe, but not to God.

God’s Grand Experiment with mankind was not unknown to those who said it couldn’t be done – to those who said, “I will…spoil Your pathetic little party!” Such is the majesty and mystery of One whose Crusher came wrapped in cloths, and was laid in a manger. Hmmm. And it happened just the way He said: a heel was bruised; ah, but a head was crushed!

And so the pattern began and continues to this day: the sons of darkness striking at the heel of God, and God crushing the heads of arrogance, rebllion, and self-will – all because His people insist (and persist) in believing, " will (but) strike the heel and He will crush your head."

Who would believe all this stuff? Why would the Story continue? Because God said so and it happened just as He said. Have you experienced bruising on your heel? Has life dealt you blows that are painful and poignant? Rejoice weary ones, the Crusher has come and smashed the head of the bruiser.

Advent is the celebration of Crusher’s Coming, and though He was meek and mild, and came as a child; He was God’s chosen Child so that you and I might be reconciled…Amen!?

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