Sunday, March 11, 2012

With What We Are Entrusted


Galatians 2.7-8 7 But on the contrary, seeing that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised 8 (for He who effectually worked for Peter in his apostleship to the circumcised effectually worked for me also to the Gentiles)... NASB

God entrusts the gospel to His servants. It matters not whether rich or poor, young or old, male or female; we who have believed have been entrusted with the gospel. That’s one thing. The other is to whom God has entrusted us with the gospel. So one of the first things to remember as servants of the Lord is that we who are, have been entrusted with the gospel to give it to someone. Every believer ought to have some influential impact on someone around them.

The other day I was driving along in the country – way out in the middle of nowhere – and this thought occurred to me: I’d like to be a teacher in a Bible College or a Christian School. That would be my dream job. As I thought of that, the question popped up in my mind: where did that come from!? So, when I came home, I shared that thought with my wife; and then, by way of another set of circumstances, I had coffee with the interim pastor at my church several days later. My wife said something to the effect of: that’s nice dear. The interim pastor asked me to consider teaching a new believers class at our church. Now I’m doing the math: God effectually works in the lives of His servants both to will and to do for His good pleasure. And as icing on the cake, He’ll usually ask us to do something we’ll enjoy doing.

Peter was a Jew whose love for the Jewish nation caused him to take the gospel to the Jews. Paul was a Jew whose love for the Gentiles caused him to go to them with the good news that Jesus died to save them from their sins and open a way for them to come to know the true and living God. Paul said in the verse above: He who worked effectually in Peter for the Jews also worked effectually in him for the Gentiles. God will always put His people right where He wants them to be.

So, how about us? Where has God effectually worked in us? What gets our motor going for God? To whom has He sent us? What thoughts are going through our minds when we’re out going through our days? Where are those thoughts coming from? If we’re God’s children, then you can bet God is involved somewhere at some point. I believe in what I am doing for a living, but God won’t seem to let me alone about what I love: His word and how others ought to come to know it. I do want to teach, I just need to allow God to put me in that place where I can teach what He tells me, and then let Him deal with what I offer. His calling is His calling.

Father in Heaven,
You dealt effectually with Peter and Paul, and all of Your servants down through the eons. I pray today, reflecting on the circumstances of this week and ask that Your will be done in my life. I pray trusting in Your effectual work in me and ask for insight and wisdom as I follow You to the next place of doing what You want done – through Jesus, amen.

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