Monday, December 26, 2011

Getting It


Psalm 119.164 Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws. NIV

Okay, let’s see, because it’s the way my mind works, that’s praise at awakening, at breakfast, mid-morning, noon, mid-afternoon, at supper, and at bedtime. Or maybe: because the number is seven, it means completely; or all throughout the day; continually thinking about the Lord and His ways throughout each day. What causes us to do that?

We can praise the Lord throughout the day because we know Him and love Him. We’ve grown to the place where we no longer see Him as our Genie, but for who He really is, our God and Father. We love Him and trust Him no matter what comes our way; our minds are at peace because of His presence.

We can praise the Lord systematically and build that into our routine: intentionally setting aside time each day to call out His Name and call upon His Name. It seems to me the great prophet Daniel did something like that. The apostle Paul said, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5.17). I think the writer of Psalm 119 was advocating praise without ceasing.

John, in 2 John, wrote: It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. (v. 4) That meant that some of them were getting it and living it. The writer of Psalm 119 got it. And God calls all of us to get it at some point.

We’re to get it that: He is more than just the Supplier of our needs – although it is very important to remember that. But if we’re in it only for what we can get out of it, what kind of relationship is that? And lots of folks are in it just for what they can get out of it.

We’re to get it that: He’s more than just our Bailer-outer though it’s very important to remember that also. And lots of folks want to live any way they want, and expect God to bail them out of the jams they get into as a result of their independent living.

We’re to get it that He is truly our Father and Friend. But more that all these, He is Almighty God and He has sought us out. In our darkness and death He came looking for us. The least we can do is honor Him for that. And whether it’s seven times a day, or whenever the mood strikes us, He is worthy of all of our praise because He is all to us, and we are His forever.

Loving God takes life to a different dimension where we simply live to do His will and that is all we live for. We communicate with Him on a different level and our purpose for living is to experience Him in all we do that He may do all He desires in and through us. That’s when praising Him seven times a day or an hour becomes just for the joy of being with Him and praise becomes not about what He does for me but for who He is. Period.

I want to praise Him but I want my praise to move past my trying to impress Him to simply enjoying Him now and forever.

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