Wednesday, October 13, 2010

With All of What That Means


Acts 2:21 21   And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ ESV

Saved, what does that mean? I think we try to make the word (or concept) into something it’s not. I think we’ve tried to make salvation into some kind of title to be earned. I think we’ve tried to make salvation into a weapon to be used. I think salvation to many, means being sure to keep all of the rules.

What if salvation meant accepted, connected, respected, and protected? What if salvation was simply being invited to a party that lasts forever? What if salvation was the act of becoming a friend? What if salvation was a deep down assurance that in spite of everything else, all is going to be well and I won’t be flapped by the ebb and flow of the world? What if salvation was the divine ability brought about by true love to become focused and remain focused upon only God in every circumstance and situation? What if salvation was a judgment derived by comparing what is in the world to what God promises and choosing God based upon the outcome of that comparison?

I am saved because I have been invited to His party. I am saved whether you see or agree with me on that statement or not. I am saved to be free in Him and free to love you in response. Salvation is neither cheap nor easy. And everyone who shows true interest in God and His Kingdom shall be saved with all of what that means…

Father in Heaven,
You save people but not according to their definition of the word – only according to Yours. You save people so that they may become acclimated to the truth which is way different that what we call truth here on earth. You’ve saved me because You’ve shown me that being with You forever is better that having it all here. I’ve called upon You because You’ve helped me to recognize that You are better by far – infinitely so. Blessed be Your Name and Your people – the ones who’ve called upon You to be saved. Amen.

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