Monday, October 11, 2010

Cutting the Honesty Corners


Nehemiah 5:7 7 I took counsel with myself, and I brought charges against the nobles and the officials. I said to them, “You are exacting interest, each from his brother.” And I held a great assembly against them... ESV

Sometimes someone had to make a stand against those who are doing wrong – Nehemiah was that someone. He saw the evil that the Jews were doing to their own people and he confronted them for it; bringing charges against them. To take advantage of people who are having a tough go of it is wrong and it should be stopped.

I don’t see much stopping in our present day society – we seem to glory in our ability to take advantage of others who are having a tough go of it. Maybe it's because we recognize the depravity of the human heart. And now with millions of impending foreclosures, we’re having to eat the fruit of our wrong doing.

Greed is an insidious thing. An opportunity seen is usually an opportunity taken. Fire sales and flood sales are an opportunity to get rid of the crap but also to take advantage of the unsuspecting. Maybe it’s time we reset the valuation tables.

The problem though is not the tables but the heart. Resetting the valuation tables will soon give way to someone who is clever enough to mess with them to his own advantage. Such is the way things are when we are left to our own devices, devoid the counsel of God.

Father God,
You know the hearts of all men and You know what is wrong with all of us. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, help me to be honest in all my dealings with others, and to avoid cutting the honesty corners no matter how innocent it may look to me. May I walk in Your counsel and do what is right – amen.

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