Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Common Christ


Luke 23:12 12 And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very day, for before this they had been at enmity with each other. ESV

There is nothing like a common cause to bring folks together. It seems when there is something to do there is energy, synergy, and a pulling together that is not normally known. Everyone is focused on the job and gitn'er done. In today’s reading the people in the book of Nehemiah were focused on rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem and it says almost everyone pitched in to get the job done.

In Luke 23, two rulers had a common cause: dealing with this Jesus Person who was causing them so much governmental grief; how do you solve a problem like God? The account in Luke 23 says that Pilate and Herod were enemies (and nasty political rivals) until the very day they had to deal with a common Christ – Jesus; it says they became friends from that day forward. I think they joked about it on subsequent days when they met at Starbucks for coffee or at the country club for a round of golf. It gave them something to talk about besides themselves…

The problem with common causes is that they end and then we’re left with now what? Common causes help us to focus on shallow things like completion but prevent us from connecting on a deeper level where we’d focus on issues of our hearts; common causes keep us from looking at the soul of another who may need help on a level that a common cause will only mask. That’s why we all need a common Christ and connection together with and through Him. That’s where and when we begin to see the hurts and the faults that we can truly minister to only with and through Him.

I must strive with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength to see my fellow believers through only His eyes; and help, comfort, or encourage them only through His heart – only through a common Christ will we live lives of meaning, purpose, intentionality, and effectiveness before God.

Father in Heaven,
You created us to be one with You and one with each other only through Jesus and by the presence of His Spirit. Help me today to focus on our commonality through Christ and to relate to others only in that way – I pray in His Name, amen.

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