Monday, October 4, 2010

Only One with Breath


Luke 17:18 18 Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” ESV

In Psalm 150 the last verse in the psalm is, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” We might say, “let everything that has breath use it to praise the Lord!” Leprosy is a very serious contagious disease and to be miraculously freed from it would be a big deal. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! But not everything – nor everyone – does.

One of Jesus’ biggest obstacles in preaching the Kingdom of God was the cultural belief among the Jews that despite their circumstances, they believed they’d already made it, and were acceptable to God because of who they were and what they’d done. They took their relationship with God for granted. They looked back upon their history as a people and celebrated all of their victories not because God helped them, but because they were Jews; they were survivors; they always made a comeback. As a result, they were mostly arrogant and proud, and had accepted the victim mentality that is so prevalent among many people today. Their religion was sugar-coating to what they really thought of themselves.

So it’s no wonder out of the ten lepers healed in Luke 17 only one came back with breath to praise God – the other nine simply went their way.

I must not take God for granted nor must I allow myself to come to Him with a long list of favors; at least I shouldn’t without praising Him and celebrating who He is first. I need things from God but rather than nagging Him with my wants and needs, I must learn to thank Him for what He’s doing and has already done. He says He knows my needs, so rather that continually reminding Him of them I ought to praise and thank Him for meeting them; He’s working it all out on my behalf. And I must obey Him in what I already know He has said to do – let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for what You are doing in my life and thank You for what You always provide. May I diminish in taking You for granted and may I learn to trust You and praise You that You always give me just what I need to grow closer to You. Hallelujah. Amen.

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