Job 16:19 Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and he who testifies for me is on high. ESV
It occurs to me that Job was probably not a Jew, in the sense that he was a descendant of Abraham. Tradition seems to point to the possibility that Job (Where is the Father? Or, Hated One) might’ve been an Edomite or possibly one of the peoples of the East between Palestine and Babylon. Whatever the case, Job seems to have been influenced by the God of Abraham and like Abraham lived in faith in God. His story seems to fall in the time of the post-exile of the Jews which would explain his knowledge of God and his theology.
As I read Job I see bits and pieces of arguments on both sides of the discussion that would lead me to think that Job and his three friends had more than a surfacy knowledge of God. But it is important for me to remember that their knowledge of God was somewhat deficient. The difference I think is that Job seemed to understand that God was for him, not against him; a view that his three friends didn’t quite grasp. Job’s God was loving and forgiving unlike Eliphaz, Zophar, and Bildad who seemed to see God like most people do – a petulant divine Judge.
So, in reading this statement by Job today, I see an attitude of hope for someone who hasn’t a clue as to why all that has happened to him, has happened to him. Job has clung to his view of God and that is where he based his faith – God is for me and not against me.
My own view of God is faulty in that my view of Him is evolving all the time. There are certain things about God, His love, His mercy and kindness, His forgiveness and grace (NOT an exhaustive list…) that are non-negotiables for me. But despite my best efforts I still see the Lord through imperfect lenses and need to remember that even with that, ‘Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and he who testifies for me is on high.’ And, if my God is for me, who can be against me [and succeed]?
Father in Heaven,
What grace and mercy and love it is that You are for Your people and You’ll use anyone and everything to make sure we know that. Thank You for the example of Job who seemed to believe in You despite the worst and You blessed him because he did. I ask for the same mercy – in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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