Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Heaven Requires

Luke 18:26 26 “Those who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?”” ESV

The people around Jesus that day (cf. Luke 18) were aghast to hear Jesus say how hard it was for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Luke 18.24, 25). They viewed the rich as having a leg-up on the rest of the population. Their mentality was, if anyone could do it, surely the rich could – they had the means for everything; they could do anything! I think we think of the rich the same way. I think we think about riches the same way – a gateway for opportunity.

Who wouldn’t want to have the means to have nice things, live in a nice house, drive a nice care; live in a nice neighborhood? Who wouldn’t want to have the means to buy whatever their heart desired, to travel, to give generously to noble causes? These things would be nice but could also become a noose. Then as now money, and the abundance of it, can be a snare. Then as now, they misunderstood money and what it does to people.

What Jesus might’ve been pointing out is that an abundance of money can lead to a lack of need for God. Jesus may have been pointing out that money in many people’s reality, replaces God. And Jesus might’ve been pointing out that entrance into heaven is hard for anyone who thinks they can obtain it by anything other than faith. Heaven requires as much faith for the rich as it does for the poor; and the only way to please God is through faith…

I admit I’ve held a perverted view of money and wealth – and indebtedness – for many years. Mostly I’ve used my money to chase my dreams and satisfy myself. My goal in the closing chapters of my life is to learn to use my money for what it was intended and to please God with a life of faithful dependence upon Him. I know from my track record that more money doesn’t solve my problems – it only exacerbates them; what I need is His wisdom in handling my money.

Father in Heaven,
You have given to me everything I need for life and godliness. Help me to use all of the resources I have to live life with godliness. I pray wisdom is using my money and to grow in my trust of You and Your provision. I’m not praying for a change in my bank-account – I’m praying for a change in my heart – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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