Romans 8:21 21 “…that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” ESV
It seems weird to personify creation. It seems weird to give all of what God has made – heaven, earth, space, black holes – personality, emotion, and yearning; I mean dirt is dirt – isn’t it? (It is if there is no God. Of course, it isn’t if there is no God…)
This verse makes me think of the outcome of things. My life has a godly-goal, a marvelous meaning and a practical purpose; God has intentions for me even being alive. In His infinite wisdom, He created me (and you dear reader). In His infinite wisdom He created all there is, and left it in our hands – according to this verse. God put all of His eggs into our basket and all of creation hangs on the outcome: our becoming what God truly intends, and creation being freed from the result our folly.
So that means I am free in Christ to live as God intends. That means the purpose of my life is to live out this freedom and because I (and others like me) do, the creation itself is eagerly waiting for us to get it right in order that it is restored to its original design – feeling the weight?
Today, as I read this I am reminded of the magnitude of relationship with God to the point that as His children get it, creation gets it too. My life isn’t some willy-nilly, helter-skelter game; it’s a part of the whole, whole becoming wholly whole restored to its original intent. And God smiles… and creation shouts, FINALLY!
Father in Heaven,
To think the creation was subjected to futility until Your purposes were accomplished in Your children – those who believe in You and in Jesus Christ. I think I think that I feel the weight, but most days I haven’t a clue. Help me today to live on purpose and to remember what You’re up to and the outcome of it all – in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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