Friday, May 14, 2010

The Motto of Heaven


1 Chronicles 22:13b Be strong and courageous. Fear not; do not be dismayed. ESV

What is your motto? Do you have one? As an American, are you content with the motto of the United States, e pluribus Unum; Out of Many, One? Mottos serve the purpose of giving us a sense of purpose and direction to follow toward that purpose. I can’t state it as fact, but it seems to me the motto of ancient Israel might’ve been: Be Strong and Courageous. Strength and courage, why?

Walking with God, whether as a nation or individually is going to require a minimum of these to character traits. Why? Well, because whether we like it or not, it is what it is; and it is this: the world of men (apart from God in their natural state) hates God and any who befriend and follow Him – it is today as it was then. This is pictured in Scripture by the historical accounts of Israel’s perennial enemies, and the wars that surrounded the nation as it was birthed by the exodus from Egypt, the conquest of Canaan, to the establishment of the Jewish kingdom.

Today as God’s people who live by faith in Jesus Christ, we are to be strong and courageous; our life is not because we are Americans, but because we are the people of God. Out motto ought to be (or I believe it should be), By Faith, Not by Sight. It’s the only way this life with God on this planet at this present time (or any time in the future for that matter) will work.

Father in Heaven,
Things in this world seem a little weird these days and the temptation is to fear and cower, but You have called me to live courageously by faith and to trust You no matter what I see. You have called me to be strong in Christ and courageous in my belief. You have said that I am to walk by faith in You no matter what. God help me this day to live by the motto of Heaven, By Faith, Not by Sight – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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